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larissa's voice had a gentle, inquisitive tone as she asked me, "why did you keep the attack a secret?" i was lying against her chest, relishing the sensation of her heart beating in sync with mine. it was a source of comfort and security, making me feel like nothing could harm me in her embrace.

     as larissa's hand rested gently on my waist, her other hand began to thread through my hair with a soothing touch. i took a deep breath, feeling the comfort of her touch, before gathering my thoughts to answer her question. the weight of the memory seemed to lift slightly as i prepared to share it with her.

"it wasn't about feeling embarrassed or ashamed," i explained. "it was more about the way people looked at me differently after the attack. the pity in their eyes, the way they treated me like i was weak... it made my skin crawl." i let out a deep sigh, my body relaxing against hers.

the gentle pressure of larissa's thumb on my hip was like a balm to my soul, easing the tension that had been building up inside me. as she spoke, her words flowed over me like a wave of reassurance, banishing my doubts and fears. "you're not weak," she said firmly, her voice filled with conviction.

     the warmth in her tone was palpable, and i felt a rush of gratitude for her unwavering support. despite her words, tears still threatened to spill over my lashes, and i had to take a deep breath to steady myself. i turned my head slightly, pressing my cheek against her chest, feeling her steady heartbeat as a grounding force.

as i listened to her words, i couldn't help but slightly raise my eyebrows in disagreement. "i don't feel strong or brave," i said, my voice laced with emotion. "during that time, it was the darkest period of my life. there was nothing courageous about it; it was a time of intense sadness and despair. i didn't feel fearless or powerful by any means." the memories flooded back, causing a heavy weight to settle in my chest.

as her fingers continue to caress my hair, i feel a sense of calm wash over me. larissa's touch is comforting, and it's as if she knows exactly what i need without me even having to ask for it. her words, too, have a soothing effect on me.

"i understand that, but i wish you could see yourself the way i do," she says in a gentle voice, and i can't help but feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment. her words are so kind and loving, and it's difficult for me to accept them as true.

     i try to hide my reaction by keeping my expression neutral, but i'm not sure if i'm succeeding. the warmth of her touch and the sincerity in her voice make it difficult to maintain my composure. but i know that i'm safe with her, and that knowledge alone brings me a sense of peace that i haven't felt in a long time.

i tried to suppress my smile, not wanting to seem too vulnerable or exposed. but larissa was perceptive, and i could tell she noticed my reaction. "don't hide your smile," she whispered. i couldn't help but let out a small laugh at her words, feeling a weight lifted off my shoulders. larissa had a way of making me feel lighter and more at ease.

"and it wasn't my intention to hurt you, winona." as i lifted my head from her chest, i met larissa's gaze. her eyes were pools of sincerity, brimming with regret and remorse. i felt the genuineness of her words in every fiber of my being, and it eased the tension in my heart.

     i gave her a small smile, conveying my understanding of her intentions. it was clear to me that she didn't mean to cause me any pain, and i appreciated her honesty.

after the initial wave of anger and betrayal had passed, i realized that larissa had gone through a lot of trouble to obtain those files. as painful as it was to confront my darkest secret, i understood that she did it out of concern for me. in that moment, i was struck by how much larissa cared for me. her determination to help me through my struggles was like nothing i had ever experienced before.

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