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i stood in the middle of the dimly lit dorm room, completely lost in the music flowing out of my violin. the sweet notes danced around the room, filling it with a melodic harmony. it had been months since i had last picked up an instrument, so my playing was a bit rusty, but it still brought a sense of calmness to my racing thoughts.

     but suddenly, the lights flickered and then switched off, leaving me in complete darkness. my bow faltered on the strings, causing my music to strum an off-beat tune as i winced in fear. my heart began to race, and my breathing became shallow as i tried to adjust my eyes to the pitch-blackness. i reached out my hand, searching for any source of light or guidance in the darkness, but all i felt was the cool air of the room against my fingertips. a sense of dread began to creep over me as i wondered what was happening, and why the lights had suddenly gone out.

"wednesday? enid?" i called out again, my voice shaking slightly. but there was no response, not even a whisper. i was alone in the dark, and i had no idea what was happening. the silence that followed was unnerving. i couldn't see anything in the darkness, and i felt a sudden fear creep up my spine.

as i slowly backed myself into a corner, heart racing with fear, i bumped into somebody, causing me to fall onto the cold wooden tiles. i tried to scramble to my feet, but a strong hand gripped my shoulder, preventing me from getting away. i glanced behind me, my eyes widening in terror as i saw a shadow figure dressed in all black glaring down at me. it was too dark to see their face, but i could feel their menacing presence, and i knew that they were not friendly.

     in a panic, i crawled along the floor, my heart pounding in my chest. i headed towards the window, hoping to escape, but the figure followed behind me ever so slowly, as if it was taunting me. i could hear its creaking footsteps getting closer and closer, and i knew that i had to act fast if i wanted to get away.

panic set in as i realized i was trapped. i let out a blood-curdling scream as i desperately pushed against the glass window, but it wouldn't budge. it was bolted shut. in a fit of frustration, i punched and kicked the window, but it was no use. my arms fell weak, and I collapsed onto the floor, trembling with fear.

     as i turned around, i saw the shadow figure standing mere inches away from me. its dark, faceless silhouette towered over me, casting a cold chill down my spine. i could feel its presence looming over me, and i was frozen with fear. i tried to back away, but there was nowhere to go. the figure took a slow step towards me, and i could hear the sound of its breathing, cold and raspy, in the stillness of the dark room.

frantically, my eyes scanned the room for something to defend myself with. i remembered that wednesday always kept a knife under her mattress. i crawled on my hands and knees as fast as i could over to her bed, and lifted it up, revealing the glint of a sharp blade. my hand wrapped around the handle, and i turned around to face the figure, now just inches away from me. my grip tightened on the knife, and i held it in front of me, ready to strike if it came any closer.

     the figure was now charging at me, its movements were inhumanly fast, causing me to panic and let out a blood-curdling scream. i could feel my heart pounding in my chest as i desperately clutched and pointed the knife in front of me, praying it would be enough to protect me. tears streamed down my face as i tightly shut my eyes, unable to face the horrifying creature charging at me.

my eyes struggled to adjust to the sudden brightness as i slowly opened them, my heart pounding against my chest. tears still streamed down my face as i tried to steady my breathing. as my vision cleared, i saw the familiar faces of wednesday and enid in their pyjamas staring back at me, their eyes wide with fear and confusion.

✓ | 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒, larissa weemsWhere stories live. Discover now