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"any idea when morticia and gomez will arrive?" i inquired, my voice laced with concern. the news of winona's disappearance had reached them while they were still in mexico, and i knew they were rushing back as soon as they could.

"in a few hours," wednesday responded, her voice tinged with a hint of detachment. "mother is quite fragile at the moment." her words hinted at the emotional toll the situation had taken on their family, despite her attempt to maintain composure.

"who could do this to winona?" i pondered aloud, my voice carrying a mix of curiosity and concern. wednesday and i stood amidst the expansive forest, surrounded by officers diligently combing the area with their piercing flashlights. the moon cast an ethereal glow upon the scene, lending an eerie ambiance to the night sky.

     as the search parties fanned out, i couldn't help but feel a chill creep up my spine. the darkness concealed the identity of the malevolent individual behind winona's torment. their motives remained shrouded in a sinister haze, leaving us with unanswered questions and a palpable sense of unease. how could someone be consumed by such a twisted heart, capable of inflicting such pain upon another?

wednesday's voice broke the silence, resonating with a mixture of determination and defiance. "someone with an evil heart," she spoke, her words echoing through the forest. it was a simple yet chilling observation.

"i don't believe there's a single ounce of evil within winona," i declared, my conviction seeping into my voice. as the words left my lips, i noticed a flicker of agreement in wednesday's eyes. we shared a mutual understanding, knowing deep down that winona possessed a heart brimming with compassion and goodness.

     however, a pang of guilt emanated from wednesday, casting a shadow over her features. i could sense the weight of their last conversation, an argument that had left an indelible mark on her conscience. the bond between sisters was strong, and the regret she carried was palpable, etching itself into her very being.

"i didn't tell her," i confessed, my voice barely above a whisper. "tell her what?" wednesday's curiosity piqued, her gaze fixed upon me, awaiting an explanation. taking a deep breath, i composed myself, gathering the courage to reveal the truth that had weighed heavily upon my heart.

"i never told winona that i loved her," i whispered, the admission laden with a mixture of regret and longing. the gravity of our conversation compelled us to halt amidst the enveloping forest, granting us a moment of privacy amidst the flurry of activity surrounding us. the officers continued their diligent search, unaware of the vulnerable confession taking place within our secluded alcove.

"you were healing her," wednesday uttered softly, her voice tinged with a bittersweet realization. perplexed, i furrowed my eyebrows, yearning for further clarification. a tender sadness filled the space between us as she continued to reveal her observations.

"whenever winona would return to the dorm room late at night," wednesday continued, her tone hushed yet carrying a weight of profound revelation. "she always had a radiant smile on her face. our family, despite years of effort, struggled to restore her to the person she was before the attack. but you, in a matter of months, managed to do what they couldn't."

     the ache in my heart intensified as wednesday's words sank in. it was a bittersweet realization, knowing that i had unknowingly become a catalyst for winona's healing. the nights we spent together, the whispered conversations and shared moments, had unknowingly breathed life back into her wounded spirit.

✓ | 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒, larissa weemsWhere stories live. Discover now