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as i neared the door to principal weems' office, i could feel my heart pounding in my chest with a mix of anticipation and fear. i swung the door open with a flick of my wrist, the power of my abilities allowing me to bypass the handle entirely. with a determined stride, i marched towards her desk, my eyes locked on the file in my hand.

when i reached her desk, i slammed the file down with a loud thud, the sound reverberating throughout the room. the force of my anger and frustration was palpable, and i could feel my chest heaving with each labored breath.

as i stood before the person who had caused me so much pain, my anger boiled inside me, and i struggled to find the words to express it. my throat felt tight, and my lips trembled with the effort of holding back the torrent of emotions that threatened to spill out. despite my best efforts, i couldn't get the words out, and i felt a wave of frustration wash over me as my eyes filled with tears.

i took a deep breath, my voice trembling with emotion as i struggled to get the words out. larissa's eyes were fixed on the file in front of her, her face expressionless, making it difficult for me to gauge her reaction. but i knew deep down that she had already realized that i had uncovered her treachery.

"you... you," i managed to say, my voice trailing off as my throat tightened with emotion. i could feel my lips quivering, and i clenched my fists tightly, trying to regain control of my emotions. larissa remained silent, and the tension in the room was palpable.

i took another deep breath, determined to confront her. "i burned the last one for a reason!" i finally managed to say, my voice laced with hurt, betrayal and pain.

ever so slowly, larissa's gaze wandered up my body until her eyes eventually met with mine. she stared at me with an emotionless face, and i couldn't help but feel confused and frustrated. i furrowed my eyebrows, trying to make sense of her reaction.

"why?" i managed to choke out, my voice barely above a whisper.

larissa remained silent, her eyes still fixed on me. i could feel my frustration mounting, the silence between us making the situation even more unbearable. "say something!" i finally snapped, my voice raising slightly.

finally, after what felt like an eternity, larissa spoke. "you didn't close the door behind you," she said, her voice calm and measured.

larissa's words only added to my frustration, and i rolled my eyes in annoyance allowing a scoff to escape my lips. she got up from her seat to close the door, but i wasn't going to let her get the satisfaction of shutting me out. as she started to walk around her desk, i lifted my hand and flicked my wrist with force, slamming the door shut before she could even reach it. the loud thud echoed through the room, making her jump slightly.

i didn't stop there, though. without taking my eyes off her, i focused on the lock and clicked it shut with a satisfying snap. larissa's eyes widened in surprise, and i knew that she had realized the extent of my abilities. despite my anger, i couldn't help but feel a small sense of satisfaction at the display of my powers. but my focus quickly shifted back to larissa as i demanded an explanation.

"i had no other choice, winona." larissa's explanation wasn't convincing enough to ease my frustration, and i felt like i was being treated like a fool. i couldn't help but offer a sarcastic smile in response to her attempt at an explanation.

"there's always a choice," i said, my voice firm and confident.

"you were harming yourself!" larissa finally snapped, her voice rising with frustration. her words hit me like a ton of bricks, causing me to go silent for a moment in shock. the muscles in my face softened as i processed her accusation. i wasn't expecting those words to come out of her mouth.

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