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i lounged on the plush double velvet sofa, feeling the warmth of the roaring fireplace soothing my aching body. my legs were crossed, and my hands rested on my lap, while larissa bustled about, bringing me a cup of steaming black coffee. as i reached out to grasp the warm mug, i could sense her curiosity, and i knew she wanted to ask me more about the incident.

larissa's eyes met mine as she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. "does dr. kinbott know?" she asked, her gaze flickering to the file she had just thrown into the fire.

i shook my head slowly, "no," i admitted quietly, "i stole the file before she got the chance to see it." i replied, taking a slow sip of the steaming black coffee that larissa had brought me. the warmth spread through my body, easing some of the tension that had been building up inside me.

i savored the rich flavor, grateful for the familiar taste that helped ground me in the present moment. larissa had always been good at reading my moods and knowing what i needed without me having to say it out loud. her concern was palpable, and i knew that she wanted to help me in any way she could.

larissa took a seat beside me, her movements careful and slow as if she didn't want to startle me. as she sat down, her skin brushed against mine, sending a shiver down my spine. i could see the curiosity and concern etched on her face, but she was holding back from asking any questions that could potentially trigger me. it was clear she was trying to be delicate and respectful, and i appreciated it.

i turned my gaze toward larissa, with a look of hesitation on her face. i could tell she was struggling to find the right words to ask me about what had happened, but she didn't want to hurt me further. as i met her gaze, i could see the golden reflection of the fireplace flames dancing in her eyes.

"you have questions right?" i asked, my eyes flickering back to the fire. "i wouldn't blame you if you had a few." i continued. i could feel her eyes on me, waiting for permission to ask what was on her mind.

i locked my gaze with hers, silently giving her the permission to ask me anything. with a slight nod, i indicated that i was open to her queries. larissa caught on to the unspoken signal, but for a moment, she hesitated. i could sense her curiosity bubbling just beneath the surface as she anxiously licked her painted-red lips.

i waited patiently for her to begin asking questions, but it was as if she was forcing herself not to. the air between us was heavy with unspoken thoughts and feelings, and i could feel the tension building. finally, she took a deep breath and spoke up.

"how?" larissa asked simply, her eyes fixed on me, waiting for an answer. i felt a lump form in my throat as i tried to gather my thoughts and put them into words. it was difficult to articulate the terror that i had experienced that night.

i took a deep breath, steeling myself for the difficult task of describing the trauma i had endured. i knew that no matter how hard i tried, i would never be able to convey the true horror of that night, but i was determined to give it my best shot...


the winter night was a picturesque scene, with soft white snowflakes descending from the sky and a frigid breeze that brushed against my skin, turning my pale cheeks a light shade of pink. i trekked back home from my violin class, treading carefully along the dimly lit street that i had traversed countless times before. each step was taken with utmost caution, for fear of slipping on the icy ground.

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