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as i envisioned winona walking down the aisle, a surge of bittersweet emotions washed over me, mingling with the grief that clung to my heart. but the image that now stood before me shattered that hopeful reverie, leaving only the stark reality in its wake. there she lay, not in a flowing gown, but within the confines of a somber casket.

behind the shield of my oversized sunglasses, i attempted to conceal the depths of my pain, though the heavy burden was etched into every line of my face. the dark circles beneath my eyes, like bruises of sorrow, defied any attempts to hide them with mere makeup. the loss of winona had cast a pall of darkness over the world that once held sweetness and light.

inhaling became a struggle, each breath a jagged gasp that threatened to betray the turmoil within. my attempts to maintain composure were a delicate dance on a tightrope, teetering on the edge of surrender.

the sea of nevermore students, their somber faces lined with their own shades of sorrow, surrounded me on all sides. their presence, though sympathetic, only served as a constant reminder of the void winona's absence had carved into my world. the weight of their collective gaze bore down on me, amplifying the urge to collapse under the weight of my grief.

how does one navigate a world that no longer contains the light and laughter of the person who meant everything?

but the truth remained: i did not know how to exist in a world where her vibrant presence no longer graced our lives. it was a daunting and unfathomable reality that stretched out before me, leaving me adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

my gaze wavered, unable to meet the eyes of morticia and gomez, the pain of their disappointment palpable in the air. the weight of their trust, once firmly placed upon my shoulders, now felt like an unbearable burden that threatened to crush me beneath its immense weight. how could i face them when i had failed in the very task they entrusted me with – to keep their precious child safe within the walls of our school?

seated alone on a bench by winona's grave, i stared at the fresh earth, my mind filled with a whirlwind of thoughts. a sudden interruption brought me back to the present—wednesday joined me, silently taking her place beside me. without words, we shared a profound understanding as we sat together, finding solace in each other's presence. the rain provided a somber backdrop to our shared grief, a reminder that we were not alone in our sorrow.

"i won't disclose your relationship with winona to anyone," wednesday spoke softly, a surprising decision to keep our secret hidden. the shock in my voice was palpable as i replied, "you won't?"

understanding the weight of the situation, wednesday continued, her voice barely above a whisper, "she sacrificed herself for us... it's evident that you meant a great deal to her. you've already endured so much loss. we've endured so much loss." her words held a depth of empathy and understanding, acknowledging the pain we both carried.

"sheriff galpin gave me an update," wednesday spoke, catching my attention. i turned towards her, a glimmer of hope in my eyes. "did they find thornhill?" i asked eagerly. wednesday's response dashed my hopes.

"no, she's still missing, along with tyler," she informed me. disappointment washed over me, and i turned my gaze back to winona's grave. "sheriff galpin believes tyler has been taken hostage, but you and i both know that's not true," wednesday added, her voice filled with a mix of frustration and determination.

"i... i can't stay here. i have a meeting," i stammered, desperate to escape the conversation before my emotions overwhelmed me. as i stood up and began to walk away, wednesday's voice echoed through the graveyard, "wait!" her plea stopped me in my tracks, and i turned around to face her.

✓ | 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒, larissa weemsWhere stories live. Discover now