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blood may be thicker than water, but it cannot replace peace. all i ever wanted was to live in pure tranquility, but it seems that there will always be a murder to solve, revenge to seek, a monster to hunt, and a mystery to unravel. especially if my sister wednesday is involved.

as always, larissa began the event with her customary speech. "nevermore was created as a safe haven for our children, to learn and to grow, no matter who or what they there." she proclaimed. the audience erupted in applause, beaming with pride and anticipation for the day ahead.

"today, we welcome parents to our beloved nevermore. i know that many of you have heard about the unfortunate incident that happened to one of our students, eugene. but i am happy to report that eugene is on the mend and we are all relieved that he is recovering well," principal weems announced to the crowd.

wednesday spoke in a low volume, "on the mend? try in a coma." i could sense her frustration with principal weems' choice of words. "maybe she doesn't want people to worry," i replied, unintentionally coming to the defense of the injured student.

as we move forward, let's focus on the positive and make this parents' weekend our very best yet," the principal concluded, eliciting another round of applause from the crowd gathered around us.

as enid and wednesday chatted beside me, i found myself completely drawn to larissa weems, who was gracefully stepping down from the microphone to shake hands with a few people. watching her do ordinary things made her feel more real to me, and i couldn't help but tune out of the conversation happening beside me.

after a few seconds, i felt larissa's eyes on me, and when i looked up, our eyes met. i was momentarily paralyzed, caught off guard by the intensity of her gaze. i quickly averted my eyes and looked down at the ground, feeling embarrassed for no apparent reason.

"maybe you scared it off?" enid suggests, referring to the monster. "or maybe it went into hiding to avoid the chaos of this weekend," wednesday adds nonchalantly.

"i know i am," i replied to my sister's sarcastic comment with a serious tone. "let's just get this over with..." enid let out a sigh of exasperation before walking over to her family.

as we approached our parents, i couldn't help but notice the excited smiles forming on their lips, and how my father held his arms out for us both. unfortunately, as soon as he engulfed us in his sweaty embrace, i couldn't help but cringe in disgust.

"ah, how we missed our poisonous gumdrops!" he exclaimed, finally releasing us from his sweaty grasp. "how are you, my little rain clouds?" our mother asked, and wednesdays and my eyes met for a moment, exchanging a subtle glance.

"i thought thing was filling you in on our every move?" she spoke boldly as i quietly observed. "so, how's the little fella doing?" father asked awkwardly with a slight smile, trying to divert the attention.

"i haven't snapped any of his digits. yet," wednesday replied, causing gomez to exhale in relief and place his hand on his chest.

"please share with us what you've been up to." morticia said with a curious tone. "since you've left me here, I've been hunted, haunted, and even the target of attempted murder." my sister proceeded to update our parents with all the thrilling activities she had been involved in.

a sudden jolt of piercing pain shoots through my skull, cleaving my prefrontal cortex in half. the agony causes my vision to blur and my thoughts to cloud. the ringing in my ears grows louder, prompting me to instinctively turn around, as if i could sense someone's eyes drilling into the back of my head.

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