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as i stepped into the dimly lit dorm room, my eyes swept across the space, searching for any sign of thing. the room felt empty, yet my senses were on high alert. a mix of anger and betrayal coursed through my veins as i called out his name, my voice laced with frustration and hurt. How long had he been silently observing me and larissa? the thought sent a chill down my spine, imagining what he might have witnessed if he had been there all night.

it was then that i noticed a familiar sight—a pair of stitched fingers cautiously emerging from behind wednesday's vintage typewriter. anger surged through my veins, fueling my hurried strides as i closed the distance between us. with a mix of urgency and frustration, i reached out to confront thing, demanding answers about what he had witnessed.

the room fell silent as I stood before him, my voice laced with a sternness that mirrored the intensity of my emotions. "you cannot tell anyone what you saw," i commanded, my words leaving no room for negotiation. the weight of the moment hung heavy in the air, as if the fate of our secrets rested in the balance of thing's response. i awaited his reply, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination.

as thing's stitched fingers gestured inquisitively, silently prompting me to explain myself, desperation took hold of my voice. "i'm begging you, please," i pleaded, my words infused with a raw vulnerability. "nobody can know. it will ruin everything."

i could sense thing's hesitation, the uncertainty that flickered in his eyes. it was clear that he was torn between his loyalty to the family and the urge to share the truth. he possessed a mischievous curiosity that often accompanied his role as a silent observer of our lives, but this time, the consequences were too great to bear.

"what i have with larissa is special... i can't let that go," i pleaded, my voice cracking with emotion as i crouched down to thing's level. the weight of my words hung heavy in the air, as if the entire fate of my happiness rested upon his understanding. "she's all i have left," i confessed, tears welling up in my eyes, shimmering like liquid diamonds.

in that vulnerable moment, i bared my soul to thing, hoping that he would see the depth of my feelings and the profound connection i had forged with larissa. she was more than just a lover; she was my anchor, my solace in a world that often felt cold and inhospitable. losing her would mean losing a vital part of myself, leaving me adrift in a sea of loneliness and despair.

as my words hung in the air, a delicate silence enveloped us, and i watched as thing's stern countenance softened ever so slightly. it was as if he had glimpsed the depths of my heartache and realized the significance of larissa in my life.

as the seconds ticked by, i saw a flicker of compassion, a silent affirmation that he would protect our fragile love from the prying eyes of the world.

"thank you," i whispered breathlessly, my voice laden with gratitude and relief. with a weight lifted off my shoulders, i let out a long exhale, feeling a sense of reassurance wash over me. but just as i began to steady myself, a gentle tapping on my shoulder pulled my attention back to thing.

i looked up, meeting his inquisitive gaze, as he signed a question that lingered in the air. his hands moved gracefully, his fingers forming the silent language that we had grown accustomed to. curiosity danced in his eyes, urging me to explain why i placed such unwavering trust in larissa.

pausing for a moment to gather my thoughts, i reached deep within myself to articulate the profound connection that larissa and i shared. with a mix of vulnerability and conviction, i began to speak, my words flowing like a steady stream.

✓ | 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒, larissa weemsWhere stories live. Discover now