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the saying goes, ignorance is bliss, but i've come to realize that knowledge is power. ever since i confided in the principal, she's been avoiding me like the plague. with parent's weekend fast approaching, i couldn't help but worry that my report card would be a painful reminder of my struggles. however, i found solace in the fact that i trusted Larissa with my secret. i've never opened up to someone so deeply before, and i prayed that i made the right decision in doing so.

both of my roommates, enid sinclair and wednesday, were off on their adventures, and thankfully, i wasn't invited. whenever i involve myself in monster-hunting, things seem to take a dangerous turn, and i end up getting hurt. so, to keep my distance, i stayed alone in the dorm, or so i thought.

as i heard a voice echo behind me, i felt a jolt of surprise causing me to drop my book. as it hit the floor, i recognized the cherry-colored boots of a woman standing opposite me. cautiously, i took a step back, not knowing her true intentions. "miss addams," she said, breaking the silence. i avoided eye contact, lightly shaking my head in response. "sorry, did i startle you?" thornhill asked.

"oh, don't worry. principal weems explained everything to me. i'm here to bandage your burn in case of infection," thornhill explained calmly. as the words flowed between her lips, i sensed i'd been betrayed. the words in my mind got caught on my tongue, and the silence consumed the room for a moment.

with eyes widened in fear, i stared into hers, unable to speak. i never considered myself an angry person, but the rage slowly building up inside me was becoming harder to control. taking deep breaths wasn't enough anymore. "i need to go," i whispered, my voice cracking.

as i speed walked out of the room, i clamped my hand tightly over my mouth to stifle the small whimpers that threatened to escape. swallowing down the tears, i showed no sign of hurt as i stormed into weems' office, letting my pure hurt, betrayal, and anger consume me completely.

instantly, larissa noticed my distress and saw all the emotions behind my eyes. i barged into her office without knocking, but thankfully she was alone. weems worriedly jumped out of her seat and headed closer to me, but i spoke sternly, causing her to stop dead in her tracks. "don't," i said firmly.

"winona, what's wrong? are you okay?" larissa asked with a concerned tone. "no," i replied bluntly, my emotions raw and unfiltered. i stared deeply into her eyes, seeing the confusion flood her mind. "you told thornhill," i explained, my voice rising slightly, to her surprise. the realization hit principal weems, causing her to step back and close the door that i had left open.

i turned to face her, watching as she slowly glanced in my direction. "i don't believe i had a choice. i was worried about you," she clarified, attempting to justify her actions. "what?" i exclaimed, my voice laced with disbelief. regardless of her concerns, larissa had no right to disclose something i had confided in her.

"i trusted you with my gift. out of everyone in my life, i chose you," i elaborated with a heavy heart. "i'm sure you understand how difficult that was for me." i expressed, feeling a knot forming in my throat. my eyes began to gloss over, clouding my vision as the feeling of hurt hit me harder than i had anticipated.

weems' eyebrows furrowed, and despite how angry i was at her, i couldn't deny the beauty that had drawn me so close to her. but as i spoke, larissa's eyes seemed dazed, as if everything i was saying didn't make any sense to her.

"winona, i never told marilyn about your power," she informed me. my facial expression softened slightly as relief washed over me. "i could never imagine hurting you like that," weems added. she stepped towards me, and i allowed her to get closer. i didn't move an inch.

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