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sheriff gaplin unlocked the door to the room where morticia, gomez, and wednesday were each locked up in separate jail cells. in just twenty-four hours, they had all managed to get themselves into trouble. as i stepped into the room, my footsteps echoed and all three sets of eyes locked onto mine. my sister, unsurprisingly, wore a sour expression on her face, while my parents appeared relieved to see me.

"mom, dad, wednesday, what on earth happened?" i asked with a furrowed brow as i walked towards their cells. morticia rushed to the metal bars and reached out to touch my hand. "winona, my darling, are you alright?" she asked with concern etched on her face.

"shouldn't i be asking you that question?" i responded, my eyes shifting to my father who had fashioned little voodoo dolls out of his prison bedsheets. my concern only grew as i watched him play with them, muttering something under his breath.

"grave digging... and we got caught," wednesday explained, causing me to nod my head in understanding. "where have you been?" she then asked in a stern voice, as if i had been expected to swoop in and save the day.

"that doesn't matter, she's here now. where's pugsley?" my mother's voice was filled with concern as she peered through the bars. "i left him with lurch. he's okay, but a little shaken up," i explained with a heavy heart, feeling guilty for not being there for him during such a chaotic time.

i glanced over at my father, who was wearing an orange jumpsuit, and couldn't help but comment, "you look terrible in orange." he raised an eyebrow at me and replied, "i appreciate the compliment." i couldn't help but scoff at his attempt to joke around.

"rest assured, i always have a plan," wednesday said, her voice unwavering. "but i'll need your help to execute it," she added, turning to me with a determined look in her eyes. as soon as she spoke those words, i knew exactly what she was going to ask of me.

"absolutely not," i spoke up, feeling a surge of confidence that i had never experienced before. "what you're asking me to do is out of the question, and i refuse to do it again." wednesday's eyebrows knit together in confusion at my sudden defiance.

"what are you talking about, winona?" she asked. "you know exactly what i'm talking about," i replied firmly, putting my foot down.

"girls," our mother whispered angrily, trying to intervene in our argument. "this does not concern you, mother," wednesday replied sternly, strutting up to the metal bars to speak to me more closely.

"do what again, winona?" my father asked, his curiosity piqued. wednesday smirked, threatening to expose my secret to our parents. "stop it, wednesday. don't." i demanded, feeling the blood rush to my cheeks. but she wouldn't zip her lips even if i got on my hands and knees and begged.

"winona has been hiding her abilities from you both for the past eleven years," wednesday spoke up, her tone serious. my heart sank as i took a step back from the cells, feeling betrayed and exposed. i could feel my parents' eyes on me, and i knew they were processing this new information.

"is this true?" my mother's voice was gentle but laced with disbelief, as if she couldn't fathom the possibility of me keeping such a big secret from her and my father. my heart felt heavy as i looked down at my feet, unable to meet her eyes. i took a deep breath and slowly nodded, the admission feeling like a weight lifted off my shoulders, but also like a betrayal to my family.

✓ | 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒, larissa weemsWhere stories live. Discover now