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keeping my relationship with larissa a secret was a constant source of pain for me. it was like a bittersweet torture that left me longing for her every night. i yearned to spend the night with her, to feel her arms around me, and to fall asleep with the soothing sound of her heartbeat in my ear. but instead, i was forced to leave her side every night and return to my lonely bed, knowing that it would be impossible for us to be together until the next time we could steal a few moments away from prying eyes.

the thought of waking up to her smile every morning filled me with a sense of longing that was almost unbearable. i would lay in bed and imagine what it would be like to open my eyes to see her face, to feel her warmth against my skin, and to know that she was mine. but the reality was that i had to wake up alone, without her by my side, and go about my day pretending that everything was normal.

despite the pain of keeping our relationship a secret, i was determined to do whatever it took to protect our love. it was worth every sacrifice, every moment of pain, to know that we could be together, even if only for a few stolen moments. and so, i continued to keep our love hidden from the world, knowing that one day we would be free to love each other openly and without fear.

as i exited weems' office, i quickly cast a glamour on myself to ensure that no one could see me. the last thing i needed was to be caught sneaking around with larissa. as i walked towards my dorm room, the anticipation of wednesday's questioning loomed over me like a dark cloud. i knew i would have to come up with a convincing excuse for my whereabouts tonight, and i dreaded the thought of lying to my sister. i felt guilty for keeping this secret from her, but i couldn't risk losing larissa by revealing our relationship to anyone.

as i stepped into the dorm room, wednesday's voice interrupted my thoughts. "where have you been? we've been worried about you," she asked with a hint of concern in her voice. i sighed inwardly, already anticipating this conversation.

"do i get bonus points if i act like i care?" i retorted with a sarcastic smile playing on my lips. wednesday rolled her eyes, clearly unamused with my response.

enid spoke in a hesitant tone, her fingers fidgeting nervously as she avoided my gaze. "are you mad at me?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"why would i be mad at you?" i asked, my brows furrowed in confusion. wednesday jumped in before enid could reply, "dr. kinbott came by looking for you earlier. she said you seemed pretty angry and stormed out mid-session."

i rolled my eyes, frustrated with myself for losing control like that. "i'm not mad at you, enid. i'm just dealing with some personal stuff," i said, hoping to reassure her. "and dr. kinbott can go jump off a cliff for all i care." wednesday raised an eyebrow at my comment.

i rubbed my temples, feeling the exhaustion seep into my bones. "can i take a shower before you continue to grill me?" i asked, narrowing my eyes. i needed to wash off the sweat off my body from recent events, and it would give me a moment to collect my thoughts before facing wednesday's barrage of questions.

"why do you have a bruise on your neck?" wednesday's eyes narrowed in suspicion, as she pointed to the visible mark on my skin. my heart sank as i realized that i had forgotten to check a mirror before leaving larissa's room. i felt awkward and had no explanation or lie prepared to cover it up. i could feel the heat rising to my cheeks as i stumbled to find an answer.

"oh my god, is that a love bite?" enid's exclamation echoed in my head as i tried to avoid her scrutinizing gaze. my fingers subconsciously moved up to cover the hickey on my neck, feeling embarrassed and exposed. i needed to think of a way to explain it, but my mind was blank.

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