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as i stepped into our shared dorm room, a sense of emptiness washed over me, the space devoid of the usual lively energy. enid and winona were giving me the silent treatment, and i couldn't help but feel the weight of their absence. the room felt hollow, and the silence echoed in my ears, a constant reminder of the rift between us. the solitude wrapped around me like a suffocating cloak, and the absence of their laughter and conversation only intensified the loneliness.

my eyes widened in shock at the sight before me. the once orderly space had been transformed into a chaotic scene of disarray. belongings were strewn haphazardly across the room, as if a whirlwind had swept through, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. papers fluttered in the air like confetti, books lay open and abandoned, their pages crumpled and torn, and shattered fragments of nail polish bottles shimmered on the floor, adding a surreal touch to the scene.

my heart raced with a sudden surge of panic, my mind racing to understand what had transpired in our absence. questions flooded my thoughts, each more pressing than the last. who could have done this? why would anyone target our room? the sense of violation hung heavy in the air, mingling with my growing unease. i cautiously stepped forward, my footsteps crunching on broken glass, as i tried to piece together the puzzle of this chaotic scene.

my frenzied eyes darted around the room, searching for any signs of what had happened, until they came to a screeching halt on a chilling sight. there, on the wall, hung Thing, his once lively presence now frozen in a macabre display. a sharp knife had been cruelly impaled through his hand, pinning him against the wall. blood dripped from the wound, staining the wall with a haunting crimson trail.

a surge of disbelief and horror coursed through my veins, causing my heart to plummet into the depths of my chest. time seemed to stand still for a fleeting moment as i stood rooted to the spot, my mind struggling to comprehend the gruesome scene before me. but the urgency of the situation quickly snapped me out of my shock, propelling me forward with a surge of adrenaline.

without a second thought, i rushed towards thing, my hands trembling as i carefully grasped the hilt of the knife. gritting my teeth against the waves of nausea that threatened to overcome me, i exerted all my strength to remove the blade from his hand. a mix of relief and anguish washed over me as the knife finally dislodged, freeing thing from his grotesque entrapment.

cradling thing in my arms, i felt the weight of his limp body, his usual lively presence replaced by a lifeless stillness. panic mingled with sorrow as i assessed the severity of his injuries, my mind racing with a million questions. who would do such a cruel and senseless act? and, more importantly, were enid and winona safe? determination ignited within me, and with thing's blood staining my hands.

with thing cradled in my arms, his lifeless body weighing heavy against my chest, i propelled myself through the corridors with an urgency that defied the laws of physics. every stride i took carried me faster than the speed of light, my desperation fueling my rapid pace.

reaching uncle fester's makeshift quarters, i burst through the door unannounced, my voice trembling with fear and distress. "fester! uncle fester, please! help me! thing... he's not moving!" my words spilled out in a torrent of desperation, the gravity of the situation hanging heavy in the air.

uncle fester jolted awake from his makeshift bed on the floor, his eyes widening in alarm as he registered the panic in my voice. instinctively, he sprang into action, his usually disheveled appearance was quickly replaced by a focused determination as he assessed the gravity of the situation.

✓ | 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒, larissa weemsWhere stories live. Discover now