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time had become an elusive concept in this dark and frigid cave. hours blended into days, and i felt the weight of isolation pressing down on me. alone in this desolate space, my body slumped against the cold, unforgiving concrete wall. every crack, every crevice had become etched into my memory, as if counting them would bring me solace or offer a fleeting escape from my grim reality.

but the monotony of my surroundings only intensified the restlessness within me. i needed something, anything, to occupy my mind and prevent it from descending into the abyss of despair. the silence engulfed me, amplifying the echoes of my own thoughts. they twisted and turned, spiraling down treacherous paths beyond my control.

i fought to maintain a grip on my sanity, pushing against the darkness that threatened to consume me. desperation welled up within, urging me to find a glimmer of hope, a flicker of light amidst the encroaching shadows. but the cave seemed to mock my efforts, offering no respite from the oppressive weight of solitude.

thornhill casually sauntered into the cave, ducking her head as she entered. i gazed at her with vacant eyes, barely mustering a response. my body felt heavy and sluggish, as if even the slightest movement required an immense effort. "it's chaotic outside," thornhill exclaimed, seemingly unfazed by the dire situation.

marilyn's words pierced through the dimness of the cave, offering a glimmer of hope. "i left a decoy out there to send them away from this place," she explained, implying that people were indeed searching for me. a flicker of anticipation ignited within me, causing my eyes to brighten ever so slightly.

however, thornhill's ominous remark swiftly extinguished that spark of optimism. her smirk revealed a maniacal gleam in her eyes, as if relishing in my impending disappointment. "don't get your hopes up," she taunted, her voice dripping with malice. "they have no chance of finding you. they're looking for you in the wrong place." her words hit me like a weight, dragging my emotions down into a deeper abyss of despair.

in a feeble whisper, i mustered the strength to ask the question that weighed heavily on my mind. "how long have i been down here?" my voice emerged as a mere croak, my parched throat protesting each word. the sensation of dryness scraped against my vocal cords, and i could feel the brittleness of my bones, as if they were on the verge of crumbling beneath me. an icy chill seeped into my core, causing my lips to quiver and turn a pallid shade of blue.

"why? you got somewhere to be?" thornhill retorted with a sarcastic tone. the weight of the chains pressing against my hands was unbearable, draining me of any remaining strength to even attempt to free myself. "funny," i replied flatly, my gaze fixated on the unchanging crack in the floor that had held my attention for what felt like an eternity.

"you won't be waiting much longer," marilyn explained, her words carrying an unsettling air of mystery. "could you do me a favor?" i asked in a hushed voice, my weary eyes locking onto hers. a sense of urgency tightened my chest, making each breath a struggle as i tightly pressed my lips together.

"depends on what it is, kind of got my hands tied here," thornhill replied with a hint of playfulness, lifting up her bare wrists. i stared at her in silence for a moment, truly realizing the extent of her deranged mentality.

but what i was about to ask thornhill would push me to the brink of losing my sanity.

"after i've done whatever you need me for... kill me." i whispered, my voice trembling with a mix of desperation and resolve. tears welled up in my eyes, distorting my vision. thornhill's head tilted to the side, a flicker of surprise crossing her face.

✓ | 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒, larissa weemsWhere stories live. Discover now