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as i settled onto the white sofa, a feeling of unease began to set in. the room was quiet, except for the sound of my own shifting as i tried to find a comfortable position. dr. kinbott, sitting across from me, had a serious expression on her face, which only added to my unease.

"i wasn't aware that i had an appointment today," i said, my voice betraying my uncertainty.

dr. kinbott's expression softened slightly as she leaned forward in her chair. "i felt it was necessary to see you today given the recent events that have taken place." she explained adjusting her notepad on her lap.

i swallowed nervously, wondering what could be so important that it required me to come in without warning. "and what would that be?" i asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

dr. kinbott sat across from me, her expression calm yet concerned. her eyes bore into mine as she spoke, "i hear you've been having quite aggressive nightmares." her tone was measured, but i could sense the worry in her voice.

i shifted in my seat, trying to appear nonchalant. "oh really? who told you that, wednesday?" i replied, my voice laced with sarcasm. despite my attempt at humor, i couldn't shake the unease that crept up within me.

"no, it was enid sinclair," dr. kinbott's response caught me off guard. enid sinclair was the last person i expected to be concerned about my well-being. i blinked in surprise, trying to process what i had just heard.

i couldn't help but feel a twinge of gratitude mixed with confusion. enid and i weren't exactly close, but we had worked together on a school project before. i wondered what had prompted her to tell dr. kinbott about my nightmares.

i huffed, feeling annoyed that my privacy had been breached. "well, that's just great," i muttered under my breath, crossing my arms over my chest. i wasn't sure how i felt about enid telling dr. kinbott about my nightmares, but i knew that i didn't want anyone else to know about them.

dr. kinbott's gentle tone didn't seem to sway me. "i understand that you may feel uncomfortable with me being informed about your condition, but i'm here to help you, winona," she said.

i couldn't help but feel skeptical about her words. "sure, you're here to help me. that's why i've been seeing you for the past six months, and i'm still a mess," i said, my voice laced with bitterness. the frustration and disappointment i had been bottling up for months were now coming to the surface. i looked away, feeling vulnerable and exposed.

dr. kinbott let out a deep breath, the sound echoing in the small room. she fixed me with a stern look, her eyes piercing into mine. but i refused to back down. i met her gaze with an unflinching stare, my jaw clenched tightly. the air in the room grew thick with tension as we both sat in silence, neither of us speaking a word.

i could sense that she was trying to find a way to get me to open up, but i wasn't going to give her the satisfaction so easily. i shifted uncomfortably in my seat, feeling the weight of her stare on me, but i kept my lips tightly sealed. for a moment, it felt like the silence would never end, until dr. kinbott finally broke it.

dr. kinbott began to speak again, her voice calm and measured, trying to engage me in the conversation. "dreams can be a powerful reflection of your emotions, winona. they are often the body and mind's way of processing and coping with trauma," she said, her words laced with empathy and understanding.

i leaned forward, my voice low and fierce, "i do not have trauma, and it wasn't a dream, dr. kinbott. someone was in our dorm room attacking me." my heart pounded against my ribcage, and my hands were balled into tight fists. the memory of that night flooded back, and i felt a knot form in my stomach.

✓ | 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒, larissa weemsWhere stories live. Discover now