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as i watched the police car drive away with my father in handcuffs, a wave of despair washed over me. all my hopes and dreams for the future came crashing down, leaving me feeling completely helpless. if he wasn't proven innocent, my father would spend the rest of his life in prison, far away from his family and the life he had built. the thought of never seeing him again made me feel sick to my stomach. how could this happen to us?

the sadness inside of me seemed to only fuel the growing anger. it was like flipping a switch, and though i was accustomed to breaking down in tears, feeling the intense fury felt liberating in a way.

i stormed into larissa's office, my anger seething inside me, and slammed the door behind me with a loud bang. i knew it was childish, but i needed to make my presence and emotions known. i turned to face her, my fists clenched at my sides, and glared at her with intensity.

"winona?" larissa's voice cuts through the tense silence as she closes her laptop, giving me her full attention.

"i need to know everything you know about the rave'n thirty two years ago," i demanded, trying to channel wednesday's confidence. but my voice came out shaky, and i feared i sounded more timid than assertive.

larissa rises from her chair and strides around her desk to stand in front of me, i observe as i watch her movements with interest.

"winona, i apologize, but i don't believe it's my place to tell you about that night," weems explains in a calm and gentle voice, her expression softening as she speaks.

i felt a little betrayed to be completely honest. i had always thought i could turn to her for anything, no matter the circumstances. but now, it felt like she was keeping something from me, and i couldn't understand why. didn't she see the pain i was in right now?

"seriously?" i asked, my tone laced with frustration. i couldn't understand why larissa was choosing to remain silent. my eyebrows furrowed as i tried to process her reaction.

"winona, i know seeing your father being arrested must have been a lot to witness. but i genuinely believe that the truth will bring you more harm than good. it may be more than you can handle," larissa elaborated, speaking in a soft voice and being careful not to trigger any sensitive emotions.

"i can't believe the one person i trusted enough to turn to won't even be honest with me," i spoke sternly, holding strong eye contact with her. i wanted her to know how angry i was, not just with her but with the rest of the world.

larissa quickly responds, taking a step closer towards me with a stern expression. "need i remind you that you're speaking to the principal?" her head tilts slightly with knitted eyebrows, trying to read into my emotions and understand why i was taking my anger out on her.

"winona, i understand how you're feeling," she finally said, her voice softening. "but there are some things that are best left in the past. and i truly believe that this is one of them"

i couldn't believe what i was hearing. i had always thought of larissa as someone who could handle anything, someone who could be trusted with any secret. but now it seemed like she was hiding something from me.

"i just don't understand why you can't tell me, this is my father we're talking about." i said, my voice shaking with emotion. "i thought we were close enough that i could confide in you." i admitted timidly.

weems sighed and gently placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "let's sit down and talk about this, shall we?" she said, accepting that i wasn't going to give up until i had the answers i was searching for.

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