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a few days passed, and i still hadn't gathered the courage to speak to thornhill about my abilities. the thought of becoming like willow, gone without a trace or worse, dead, sent chills down my spine. what if someone had discovered her powers and hurt her? or, what if she was so scared of herself that she had harmed herself? the endless possibilities tormented my mind, and i couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that lingered within me. despite my fears, i tried my best to push them aside and go about my day-to-day routine, but the worry was always at the back of my mind, nagging at me.

as i stepped into the classroom, i noticed thornhill immersed in a pile of books and papers, her attention seemingly consumed by the material in front of her. It took her a few moments to realize my presence, and when she did, she quickly looked up, avoiding my gaze.

"have the nightmares stopped, winona?" she asked in a calm but curious tone, her eyes scanning my face for any signs of distress.

i hesitantly replied, "for now," while slowly nodding my head. thornhill acknowledged me with a brief nod, moving a stack of books onto another desk. even though she appeared busy, i knew i couldn't hold out any longer. i needed help before i completely lost my mind.

"the last time i saw you, you were holding a knife to wednesday's face. it must have been one hell of a nightmare," thornhill said, her tone serious. her words sent a chill down my spine as i remembered that night, and the events that had led up to those terrifying nightmares. my mind couldn't help but wander to the attack, and the memory of being stabbed.

feeling uncomfortable with the current topic, i decided to shift the conversation to my concerns about my powers. "what do you know about controlling elements?" i asked thornhill, hoping to learn more about how to manage my abilities.

"i know that it's possible for warlocks such as yourself, why do you ask?" thornhill questioned, clearly intrigued by my inquiry she desired to know more.

thornhill leaned forward, her eyes narrowed in concentration as i spoke about willow's diary. i described how willow had managed to control almost all the elements, but had struggled with the final two. i also told her about willow's final entry, in which she had expressed her fear of her own powers and her descent into a dark depression. as i spoke, i couldn't help but notice the slight drop in thornhill's facial expression, which only added to my anxiety about my own powers.

"wait, you only have two left?" thornhill's voice held a hint of shock as she spoke. her reaction left me feeling uneasy and wondering what she knew that i didn't. i nodded hesitantly, unsure of what to expect. "water and ice," i elaborated, hoping that she could shed some light on the situation.

"so earth, wind, fire, and thunder you've already mastered?" she asked with a weary tone. marilyn slowly stepped around the desk as she questioned me, her eyes flickering with concern.

"yes... and telekinesis, um, invisibility too," i muttered out timidly, the concern in her voice sending shivers down my spine. i couldn't help but wonder why she was reacting this way.

thornhill's expression grew more troubled, and she seemed lost in thought for a moment before speaking. "controlling all six elements is a feat only a handful of warlocks have achieved, and some have even gone mad trying to master just one."

her words left me feeling uneasy. "what do you mean, gone mad?" i asked, my voice shaking slightly.

thornhill head tilted to the side, and her eyes filled with worry and concern. and i leaned in closer, urging her to continue. "what is it, marilyn?" i pressed using her first name to show how serious this is to me.

✓ | 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒, larissa weemsWhere stories live. Discover now