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being a depressed teenage girl can feel like a heavy weight on your shoulders. it's like you're stuck in a constant state of sadness and hopelessness, and it's hard to see a way out. everything feels like a struggle, from getting out of bed in the morning to catch up with wednesday and family.

i feel like i'm constantly fighting against my own thoughts and emotions, and it's exhausting. it's also difficult to explain to others how i am feeling, as they may not understand the depth of my pain. i feel like i'm alone in my struggles, and i find it hard to find the motivation to seek help.

larissa was the only person in this cruel world that understood me. i had admired her as her headmistress and mentor, but now it was different. every time weems walked into the room, my heart skipped a beat. i found myself paying more attention to larissa's words and actions, and longing for her touch.

no matter how desperately i tried to suppress these emotions i couldn't deny my growing attraction. i felt guilty for having these feelings, knowing that we could both get into trouble, but i couldn't stop it because she made me feel normal and human.

i knew that my power of illusion manipulation was something i had to keep hidden. i had always been afraid of my abilities and the potential consequences of using them. but i felt a sense of trust and safety with principal weems. i knew that larissa would never judge me or use my powers against me.

this act of trust deepened our connection, and i felt grateful to have someone who i could confide in and rely on.

i sat nervously in the waiting room of the therapist's office, my palms sweaty and my heart racing. i had never been to family therapy before, and the prospect of sitting in a room with my parents, twin sister, and younger brother to discuss our issues was overwhelming.

dr. kinbott began with some small talk, trying to make everyone feel at ease, but i couldn't focus on anything other than the rising tide of anxiety in my chest. i fidgeted in my seat, picking at my fingernails, and avoided eye contact with anyone in the room.

"so, who wants to start?" she questioned. the uncomfortable silence hung heavy in the air as no one seemed willing to speak up. "maybe we can discuss what's like having your daughter's away from home?" dr. kinbott suggested.

i could feel my anxiety growing. everyone seemed so calm and collected, while i struggled to keep my thoughts straight. i kept fidgeting with my hands and crossing and uncrossing my legs.

"i mean for me, it's been hard not having my sisters around. i never thought i'd miss being waterboarded so much." pugsley admitted diffusing the loud silence. seeing morticia smiling was a rare and beautiful sight, as we all remember the fun memories of living back home.

"morticia, gomez?" valerie calls out my parent's name. wednesday had a grumpy but cold facial expression, her eyes fixed on some invisible point in the distance, as if she didn't want to be here and was already mentally planning her escape.

i couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over me as i thought about the possibility of wednesday exposing our father's criminal records. i knew that my sister had a tendency to act impulsively and was not one to shy away from causing a scene and the thought of their family's secrets being exposed to the world filled me with a sense of panic.

i couldn't help but hope that wednesday would keep her composure and refrain from doing anything that would cause irreparable damage to their already fragile family dynamic.

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