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"what do you mean you haven't found her yet?" i seethed, my voice laced with anger and frustration. the sheriff stood before me, his face contorted with a mixture of regret and helplessness.

"we've scoured every inch of the forest surrounding nevermore, but there's no trace of your sister," he replied, his voice tinged with an apology, which only fueled my rising anger.

"it has been twelve agonizing hours, sheriff," weems seethed, her voice trembling with a mix of frustration and worry. "winona could be anywhere, with anyone. she's out there, scared and terrified. don't you think you should be expanding the search, going further?" principal weems interjected, his voice filled with the same fiery anger that consumed me.

"don't you think we've exhausted every resource available?" sheriff galpin replied, his tone tinged with exasperation. "we simply don't have the manpower to fulfill your demands. trust me, we're doing everything within our power to locate winona." his explanation only provoked a scoff of disbelief from me.

"if it's a matter of resources, sheriff, allow me to handle that," principal weems offered, her voice filled with determination. "money is not an issue. find the people, gather the manpower, and locate winona." her stern tone took me by surprise. i had always been unsure of how much she truly cared about my sister, but her eagerness to find her safe and, more importantly, alive, made me reconsider my doubts.

he nodded hesitantly, complying with the principal's directive. sheriff galpin then turned his attention to me. "have you informed your parents?" he asked, concern etched on his face. i responded in a nonchalant tone, masking my inner turmoil. "yes, they're cutting their trip short and flying back from mexico as soon as possible."

     as principal weems and i were making our way towards the exit, the shrill ring of sheriff galpin's phone shattered the silence. in an instant, we both turned on our heels, rushing back to his desk. i could see the anticipation in his eyes as he picked up the phone, answering with short, affirmative or negative responses to the person on the other end.

then, a faint glimmer of hope emerged in his voice. "you found something?" he inquired, a hint of anticipation coloring his words. principal weems and i exchanged a glance, a shared spark of hope reigniting within us.

"the patrol dogs picked up her scent and found something on the east side of nevermore," sheriff galpin relayed quickly, his sense of urgency evident. without wasting a moment, he grabbed his jacket and headed towards the door. principal weems and i were right behind him, our eagerness palpable. we hurriedly climbed into a waiting vehicle, ready to follow his police car, desperate to uncover any trace of winona's whereabouts.


with a sense of urgency, i hurriedly climbed into my car, barely taking a moment to fasten my seat belt. beside me, wednesday was already seated, her eyes filled with a mix of worry and determination. despite the tension that lingered between us after revealing the truth about winona and me, our shared concern for her well-being united us in this desperate search.

     curiosity gnawed at me, and i couldn't help but break the silence between us. the weight of the secret winona and i had guarded so fiercely pressed upon me, making me wonder how wednesday had uncovered the truth. we had gone to great lengths to ensure that nobody would ever discover our hidden connection, desperate to shield it from the prying eyes of the world.

✓ | 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒, larissa weemsWhere stories live. Discover now