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i was frozen, unsure of what to say or do. the weight of the situation settled heavily on my shoulders, and i could feel the tension in the air. "that's a fascinating theory," larissa spoke, her voice filled with amusement as she tilted her head to the side and gave my sister a confident gaze.

     as the weight of the situation settled in, a sense of unease washed over me. i had been so consumed with my own feelings and desires that i had failed to truly get to know larissa beyond our brief encounters. it was as if i had been living in a bubble, unaware of the outside world, while larissa had known everything about me from the start.

i couldn't help but wonder what secrets she might be keeping from me. was there more to her than what she had revealed? my mind raced with questions and doubts, making me feel vulnerable and exposed. it was a feeling i didn't like, and i knew i needed to find out more about the person i had fallen for, even if it meant uncovering secrets i might not be ready to handle.

"i'm curious to know how sheriff galpin would feel about this." wednesday's voice dripped with venom as she threatened to expose principal weems, causing my eyes to widen in alarm.

     slowly, larissa crawled over the desk, resting on the palm of her hands, getting closer to my sister with a deathly glare that would make anyone freeze in fear. her intense stare alone would be enough to make my knees crumble beneath me.

"you won't tell a soul, miss addams," she spoke in a firm voice, her red-painted lips curling into a smirk. "and it wouldn't matter much if you did." larissa continued, her tone cold and unforgiving.

my sister backed away slightly, intimidated by the principal's confidence. it was clear that larissa knew something that we didn't, and that fact alone made her all the more terrifying.

"rowan's father already knows what happened, and he fully supports my decision not to involve the authorities." larissa's eyes flickered with anger as she spoke, her voice rising with every word.

     it was clear that she was defending her actions, and i couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over me. i wanted to speak up, but i was frozen in place, unable to move or speak. the tension in the room was palpable, and i could feel the weight of the argument hanging in the air like a heavy cloud. it was as though everything was happening in slow motion, and i was powerless to stop it.

"why would he agree to that?" wednesday demanded an explanation in a firm voice, her tone unwavering.

larissa rose, towering over my sister with an air of authority that made it clear she was not to be trifled with. "because rowan wasn't in his right mind," she said in a measured tone. "his telekinetic abilities were driving him mad, and he attempted to murder you twice." weems' words were firm and unyielding, further enraging my sister.

     as the argument between larissa and wednesday escalated, i felt like a trapped animal caught in the crossfire. my fists clenched tightly, my nails digging into my palms as i struggled to remain composed. the air grew thicker with tension, and my breaths became labored as the two women became more and more incensed with each other. it was as if i were suspended in a void, watching helplessly as their voices echoed around me like the sound of shattering glass.

the veins in my neck began to pulse as i tried to keep my composure, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. "you and mayor walker are the same aren't you? bury bodies to cover your dirty little secrets" the sound of wednesday's raised voice made me flinch.

as the tension escalated, i felt a wave of anger and frustration wash over me. without thinking, i took a deep breath and raised my voice, commanding the attention of everyone in the room. "that's enough!" i yelled, my voice ringing out with authority.

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