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i stepped into our dorm room, feeling anxious and unsure of what to expect. i braced myself for wednesday's anger, but if anyone had a right to be furious, it was me. she had no right to expose my abilities to my parents, especially in such a disrespectful way. it should have been my decision to make. i let out a small sigh as i entered the room and saw wednesday sitting in front of enid's mirror, carefully picking glass shards out of her hair.

"care to explain why i've been extracting glass shards out of my hair for the past thirty minutes?" wednesday's voice drips with attitude as she speaks. she doesn't make eye contact with me, instead choosing to stare at her reflection in the mirror without moving an inch.

"your power is supposed to be illusory, isn't it?" wednesday finally made eye contact with me through the mirror, her tone tinged with skepticism.

i nod slowly, choosing to stay silent as i slip off my black mesh gloves and place them on my desk. there's a heaviness in the air that I can't quite shake off, and wednesday's piercing gaze doesn't help. i can feel her eyes on me, analyzing every move i make.

"then why hasn't the glass disappeared?" she continues to question me. i let out a deep sigh, lightly rubbing my forehead, knowing wednesday won't give up until she gets a reasonable answer from me.

i shrugged my shoulders, deciding to keep some information to myself. "they've been growing stronger for a while. i don't know why or how," i responded quietly, aware that enid was outside on the balcony.

"where's mom? i need to talk to her," i asked my sister, hoping for a helpful response. "father and pugsley are out fishing. mother said she needed some time to be alone," wednesday replied, giving me an unhelpful response.

as i stepped out of the room, i couldn't help but notice wednesday sitting on the floor, pulling out tiny diamond shards of glass from her braided hair with a pair of tweezers she had probably stolen from enid. part of me felt guilty for blowing up the light bulb because i could have physically hurt her, but i couldn't bring myself to feel sorry for the anger, betrayal, and hurt she had caused me.

the first place i searched for my mother was the nightshade library, as it is the most secluded spot in nevermore and not many people are aware of its existence. to my surprise, i was correct in my assumption, and i found morticia standing in the center of the room.

morticia's long black dress draped elegantly in the center of the room, its patterns blending seamlessly with the intricate designs of the floor. she appeared at peace, emitting a blissful sigh as she admired the library's surroundings. i, too, admired the aesthetic of the books that surrounded us, making this a beautiful and peaceful place to be in solitude.

"mother?" i spoke up, alerting her to my presence in the room. morticia turned her head to look at me with a soft smile laced on her lips. "hello, winona," she greeted me warmly.

"so, you're a nightshade?" my mother asked, curious. "no, they invited wednesday, but she rejected them," i explained, stepping down the concrete staircase and walking closer to her

morticia observed me with a loving gaze, and there was a brief pause before she spoke. feeling self-conscious, i tilted my chin down and fidgeted with my empty hands, unsure of what to do with them.

"my precious winona," my mother smiled warmly and with a gentle touch, she smoothly took my hand in hers, causing me to glance down at our joined hands.

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