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my eyebrows twitched as i began to regain consciousness, still in the borderlands of slumberland. suddenly, i felt my body drop as if i was falling, causing me to flinch and open my eyes. my fingertips instinctively gripped onto the velvet sofa, which i immediately recognized as larissa's. my breath quivered slightly due to my abrupt awakening, feeling disoriented and dizzy.

my eyes slowly adjusted to the dim lighting of the room, and i turned my head to see larissa sitting beside me, her hand resting gently on my back. "easy, easy," she whispered soothingly. i groaned, feeling a dull ache spreading through my head. attempting to sit up, larissa quickly assisted me, propping me against the soft cushions of the sofa.

i gazed down at the soft blanket covering my lower half, trying to piece together how long i'd been unconscious. "how long?" i asked, my voice groggy. i lightly rubbed my forehead, feeling the lingering ache. "a couple of hours," larissa explained, her tone filled with concern.

"winona, you passed out in my arms, it terrified me deeply." larissa said, her voice shaking with emotion. i felt a pang of guilt shoot through me as i realized how much my actions had affected her.

"i didn't mean to scare you," i said, looking up at her with a sense of remorse. i could see the concern etched on her face, and it made me feel even worse. "i'm sorry," i repeated, feeling the weight of my exhaustion and the stress of the day weighing heavily on me.

"please, don't apologize to me again, winona. i'm just relieved you're okay now," larissa said reassuringly. i nodded, grateful for her understanding. as i looked down, i realized my shoes were missing. i brought my knees up to my chest and scanned the room, spotting my shoes beside weems' heels next to the fireplace.

"what time is it?" i asked, noticing the darkness outside the curtains. "it's nearly three in the morning," she replied softly. i turned my head to glance at the office door, feeling anxious that someone might find us together in here. the fear of being caught consumed me, and i shifted uncomfortably.

"don't worry, it's locked," larissa answered my unspoken worries, causing me to sigh in relief. i leaned forward, resting my chin on my knees, and gazed at the angelic woman sitting opposite me, realizing that she had stayed awake all those hours by my side, making sure i was safe and okay. a warm feeling spread through my chest at the thought of her unwavering care for me.

i whispered in awe, "you stayed." larissa's eyes sparkled in the light of the fireplace as she nodded gently, her expression softening. "of course i did, winona," she reassured me. her presence was comforting, and i couldn't help but feel grateful for her kindness and loving heart.

as the warmth of the fire washed over us, i felt a sense of comfort and safety being near larissa. there was something about her presence that made me feel at ease, like i could let my guard down and just be myself. and as we sat there in silence, i couldn't help but admire the glimmer in her eyes as she stared at the flickering flames.

     it was then that i realized how much i truly cared for her. the way she had stayed by my side all night, watching over me and making sure i was okay, filled me with a sense of gratitude and affection that i had never felt before. it was like a warm, fuzzy feeling that spread throughout my chest whenever i looked at her, and i couldn't deny the fact that i was beginning to develop strong feelings for her.

but at the same time, i felt a sense of fear and uncertainty. what if she didn't feel the same way? what if i was just reading too much into our friendship? these thoughts swirled around my head as i continued to steal glances at her, wondering if she could sense the way my heart beat faster whenever she was near.

✓ | 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒, larissa weemsWhere stories live. Discover now