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the gloomy weather only added to my sour mood as i peered through the rain-streaked car window. despite my irritation, i couldn't help but appreciate the quaint charm of jericho: the charming little markets, the cozy corner café, and the towering white church with a magnificent water fountain in front of it.

however, the picturesque village couldn't distract me from the unbearable silence during the thirty-minute ride. principal weems didn't utter a single word the entire time, making me feel uneasy. but it didn't matter because wednesday's plan to escape started right now. my biggest challenge would be to slip away from my therapy session undetected.

our plan was to meet each other at the nearest train station, but deep down, i knew Wednesday would leave with or without me. so, it was crucial that i made it there tonight.

"dr. kinbott's office is on the second floor. other nevermore students swear by her," miss weems explained while fluttering her lengthy dark eyelashes. she parked outside of a few apartment buildings. i glanced up at the tower of windows and suddenly felt anxious. meeting total strangers alone wasn't exactly my forte.

"will you be waiting here until i'm finished?" i asked curiously, unsure of what to expect.

"of course, i'll wait for you. and perhaps afterward, we can visit the weathervane for some hot chocolate," principal weems offered sweetly.

i wasn't sure how to respond, as i knew i wouldn't be there for the hot chocolate. i didn't want to accidentally expose my plans to escape.

"sounds lovely," i replied, trying to sound polite despite my nervousness. i nervously licked my lips before exiting the vehicle. "given your history, i'm sure you're intent on running away," she stated, causing me to stop dead in my tracks.

as i stepped out of the car, miss weems elaborated on her reasoning for chauffeuring me directly to dr. kinbott's office. "i'm here to prevent that from happening," she said. i gulped nervously, worried that she would poke holes in our plan. but instead of replying and potentially messing up our scheme, i simply closed the car door, leaving her without an answer.

"unfortunately, i don't have any notes from your previous counselor, so we'll have to start from scratch," dr. kinbott explained. as i entered the room, i couldn't help but notice an open window in the restroom, and a subtle smirk crossed my lips.

"that is a shame. apparently, my file was misplaced at nevermore," i informed her with a lie, trying to keep my voice steady. "go ahead and take a seat," she gestured toward the cream-colored couch behind me. i sat down, trying to make myself as comfortable as possible, and rested my glove-covered palms against my kneecaps to prevent them from shaking, as they tend to do quite frequently.

"winona, this is a safe space," dr. kinbott clarified. "it's a sanctuary where we can discuss anything, what you're thinking, feeling, or your views on the world." she continued to list off a bunch of malarkey but to be completely truthful, she seemed like a kind woman. however, i didn't have time to waste on small talk.

"i'm not comfortable sharing my thoughts or emotions with a stranger," i replied, my tone confident yet monotonous, just as wednesday would have done. the therapist furrowed her eyebrows in slight confusion and a hint of concern.

"how long does it usually take for you to open up to someone?" dr. kinbott asked, her hands making exaggerated gestures as she spoke. "i don't," i replied bluntly, with a hint of stubbornness.

✓ | 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒, larissa weemsWhere stories live. Discover now