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with a tired sigh, i sank into the welcoming softness of larissa's memory foam mattress, crossing my legs and slumping forward. every bone in my body ached from the long day, and i was grateful to finally be able to relax. my gaze drifted down to my gray sweatpants and black socks as i tried to clear my mind. but the day's stress seemed to have taken up residence in my brain, causing my thoughts to sprint and my head to spin. just then, i heard the distinct click of larissa locking her bedroom door, and i felt a wave of relief wash over me. finally, some peace and quiet.

     as i sat on the bed, feeling the weight of the day heavy on my shoulders, larissa's gentle voice cut through the silence like a soothing balm. she pulled back the curtains surrounding her bed and sat down on the edge, facing me. i could see the kindness in her eyes as she spoke, her concern for me evident in her words.

"i heard enid is rooming with yoko?" she asked, her tone calm and relaxed. i nodded my head, grateful for the distraction from my own thoughts. her presence always had a way of easing my mind and making me feel more at ease.

my eyes were fixated on the floor, my mind constantly replaying wednesday's hurtful words, each repetition piercing my heart a little more. i couldn't help but wonder why my own sister was being so cruel to me, and why she seemed to enjoy seeing me suffer.

i let out a deep sigh before continuing, my voice carrying a heavy weight of exhaustion as i spoke. "enid just couldn't take it anymore. wednesday was suffocating her, and honestly, it was starting to affect me too." as i spoke, i could feel the tension slowly easing out of my shoulders, as if simply acknowledging the situation had lifted a weight off of me.

larissa shook her head lightly, a look of disbelief etched across her features. "i don't know what possessed her to explore the gates mansion in the dead of night," she said softly. i couldn't help but agree with her.

     wednesday's impulsiveness had always been a concern of mine, and it was clear that it was beginning to wear thin on larissa as well. however, i couldn't bring myself to reveal the truth about what had happened that night. the thought of the monster that had attacked us made me shudder, and the last thing i wanted was for larissa to expel my sister from the school because i would have to follow her.

i took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart, as i recounted the painful memory to larissa. "it wasn't only that," i said, my voice cracking with emotion. "wednesday mentioned, when i was stabbed, she said she preferred it when i wasn't speaking." my eyes flicked up to larissa's face, watching as she listened intently.

"i know it's hard to believe, but she's always been like this. ever since we were kids, she's had this cruel streak in her. and it's like she can't help herself." i trailed off, feeling drained and vulnerable.

larissa let out a heavy sigh, her expression conveying the frustration and disappointment she felt towards wednesday's behavior. i knew i wasn't the only one who was angry at my sister for what she did. "it's not hard to believe," she said, shaking her head in disbelief. her tone was laced with annoyance, but there was also a tinge of sadness.

as i shifted on the bed, pulling my legs closer to my chest, larissa's gentle voice soothed my frayed nerves. "it's not true, you know," she said with a hint of anger in her voice. "your voice is beautiful, and i adore it so much. even though it took me a while to hear it," she explained, a playful smile lingering on her lips as she spoke. her words brought a sense of comfort to my soul, and i felt a warm flush spread through my body as i gazed at her fondly.

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