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"good morning students," principal weems began, her voice commanding attention. "today is another opportunity for us to make a difference in our community. all students will report to their volunteer jobs at 10:00am sharp, followed by a community lunch at 1:00pm," she explained, scanning the room to ensure everyone was listening.

"as you all are aware, this year's outreach day culminates in a very special event - the dedication of a new memorial statue in the town square. the event will also feature performances by nevermore students," principal weems continued, further elaborating on the day's schedule.

enid giggled excitedly and clasped her hands together, clearly thrilled by the upcoming event. meanwhile, wednesday and i shared a blank expression, feeling bored already. if it weren't mandatory, i would have been content cooped up in the dorms with a book or playing my violin.

"remember, as representatives of our school, it's important that you all put your best foot forward," principal weems concluded. mrs. thornhill then handed out our volunteer assignments, but i couldn't help but feel disappointed no matter what i received. i despised anything to do with jericho ever since my first visit ended so terribly.

"weathervane, how lucky for me," i said sarcastically. enid, on the other hand, exclaimed with joy, "yes! i got pilgrim world!" wednesday, as usual, spoke in a nonchalant tone, "uriah's heap, whatever that is." enid's expression suddenly turned to disgust upon hearing that.

"ugh, it's this weird, creepy antique store. you'll love it though," enid clarified. out of the corner of my eye, i noticed the principal heading towards us. nervously, i gulped, considering that i hadn't told wednesday about my role in snitching about our escape plan. the last time principal weems spoke to me, it was extremely embarrassing, and i wasn't looking forward to any further interactions with her.

"wednesday, don't worry about your cello. i'll make sure it gets safely transported to the town square this afternoon," miss weems reassured my sister. my sibling's expression twisted in confusion as she looked at the principal. meanwhile, i stood next to them, feeling awkward as i listened in on their conversation.

"ah, i caught your rooftop serenade the other night. impressive, i must say." principal weems began, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. "in fact, i've taken the liberty of volunteering you to accompany the jericho high school marching band at the ceremony." wednesday's facial expression suddenly dropped to a blank glare, clearly not entertained by the idea.

as miss weems strolled past us, she shot me a subtle smile and gently brushed her hand against my shoulder. our eyes locked briefly, but i quickly disconnected them out of habit. it had become difficult for me to maintain eye contact, even with my own family members at times, over the past few years.

only an hour into my shift at the weathervane café, and i had already managed to spill two drinks, mix up several orders, and become unresponsive to customers. i stood behind the counter, a trembling mess, barely able to catch my breath. eventually, they moved me to the kitchen to wash dishes, hoping i would be less of a liability there.

nonetheless, i couldn't seem to focus. with one angry slam of the chef's cutting board, i flinched and accidentally dropped a plastic cup into the sink. one of my coworkers noticed my obvious distress at being surrounded by so many people.

"hey, winona, right? wednesday's sister?" a boy with dirty blonde hair asked, extending his hand towards me. i stared at his hand for a moment, hesitating, before lifting my eyes to meet his. "i'm tyler," he introduced himself, a friendly smile on his face. i managed a small nod in response, but couldn't bring myself to take his hand. social interactions were always difficult for me, and meeting new people was no exception.

✓ | 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒, larissa weemsWhere stories live. Discover now