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reluctantly, i allowed my eyelids to flutter open, expecting to be met with the predictable sight of a black coffin. and predictably, that's exactly what i found. could my parents be more predictable? the darkness engulfed me, the interior adorned with the familiar cushioned material, its blackness contrasting starkly with my pale skin.

tentatively, i reached out, my hand encountering the softness that surrounded me, the confining space offering little room to maneuver.

as my senses slowly awakened, i became acutely aware of the haze that clouded my consciousness, as if i had emerged from a prolonged slumber. the world felt distant, as if i had been detached from reality for an eternity. the weight of this disorientation settled heavily upon me, each breath i took an uncertain reminder of the awakening that seemed both surreal and undeniable.

with a deep intake of breath, i summoned the strength to lift my right leg, delivering a resolute kick to the coffin lid. in a single resonating thud, the confines of the casket collapsed, cascading a torrent of mud upon my prone body. driven by sheer determination, i began to crawl through the earth, utilizing the shallow grave to my advantage. the cool soil yielded beneath my fingers as i pushed forward, each movement propelling me closer to freedom.

as my fingertips broke through the surface, i felt a rush of cold air enveloping them, a stark contrast to the suffocating darkness i had just emerged from. with one final surge of energy, i burst forth from my grave, greeted by the ebony canvas of the night. above me, the moon's pale glow cast an ethereal light, its gentle illumination serving as my sole guide.

a sudden gust of wind swept through the cemetery, tugging at my hair with a forceful gust. i closed my eyes, savoring the sensation of the air circulating around me, breathing life back into my weary lungs. the power within me stirred, awakening in tandem with my rebirth.

glancing down, i observed my once pristine black dress, now adorned with smudges of dirt, mud, and freshly cut grass. with reverence, i extended my hands, allowing the soil to sift through my fingers, silently expressing gratitude to the earth for granting me a second chance at life.

seated upon my knees, a rustling sound caught my attention. i turned my head to behold my headstone, a familiar face appearing from behind it, causing a radiant smile to blossom on my lips. willow stood there, her presence emanating a soft white aura.

"did you know that the powers of a warlock include reincarnation?" she spoke, her voice carrying a gentle cadence. "i had faith in your strength to return," she continued, her words resonating with a profound certainty.

"my purpose was to protect and save those i love," i replied, feeling the chill of the wind trace delicate goosebumps upon my forearms.

"thornhill desired to harness your abilities to resurrect joseph crackstone, to rid the very existence of freaks and outcasts. however, your demise forced her to seek an alternative path. regrettably, she has succeeded," willow explained, her voice laced with gentleness and concern. my mind struggled to absorb the weight of her revelation, the fog of confusion lingering within.

"how?" i managed to utter, my voice filled with both curiosity and determination, as i rose to my full height, my stance reflecting a newfound resolve.

"nevermore is in grave danger, winona. i suggest you begin running," willow advised, her gaze drifting toward the desolate road that lay before us. the once vibrant town of jericho now appeared as a lifeless shell, devoid of any signs of life. before embarking on my escape, i turned to willow, an expression of gratitude and pride illuminating my features. her unwavering support had brought me this far, and for that, i was immensely grateful.

✓ | 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒, larissa weemsWhere stories live. Discover now