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as i got ready for the day, i made a conscious effort to avoid my roommates at all costs. after the interrogation session with enid and wednesday last night, i didn't want to take any chances of accidentally revealing any incriminating information in front of them. so, i spent most of my time hiding in the bathroom, meticulously applying my eyeliner and fixing my hair to perfection. i knew i was good at avoiding conversations altogether, and that skill came in handy now more than ever.

     i meticulously crafted my hair into its signature half-up, half-down style, securing it with a delicate black ribbon. after that, i slid on a pair of black tulle gucci gloves that my mother had given me during parents' weekend. i then adorned my hands with my collection of silver rings, each one with a unique design that held a special meaning to me. lastly, i gracefully slipped into my black valentino lace dress, the soft suede material hugging my curves in all the right places.

as i stepped out of the bathroom, i was met with a flurry of activity. wednesday and enid were rushing around the room, frantically trying to get ready. enid froze in her tracks when she saw me, her eyes widening in awe. "wow," she breathed, staring at me in amazement.

"you do realize it's saturday, right?" i asked, perplexed by their frantic behavior. enid turned to me, her eyes widened in excitement as she explained, "wednesday signed us all up for extracurricular activities with thornhill." she slipped on her shoes as she spoke, eager to start the day.

"as always, wednesday, thanks for informing me," i added with a hint of sarcasm, turning to face her with a raised eyebrow.

as i packed my books into my bag, i sensed a looming presence behind me. i didn't flinch or turn around, already knowing who it was from the shadow that had formed on the floor. it was most likely wednesday who was definitely eager to question me once more about last night's events.

"tell me where you were last night." demanded wednesday, her eyes piercing through mine. i could feel her intense gaze burning a hole in my skin, but i refused to budge.

"no," i responded bluntly, trying to assert my boundaries with her. wednesday tilted her head slightly, giving me a suspicious glare as if trying to decipher my hidden motives. her narrowed eyes were fixated on me, studying my every move.

"why not?" she questioned, her voice laced with a hint of irritation. i could sense that she was not going to let this go easily.

     i held my ground, looking directly into my sister's eyes. she always had this constant need to know everything about my life, even the slightest significant change. if she wasn't the first person to know, she would be furious. it was exhausting having to cater to her needs all the time.

"believe it or not, i have the right to my privacy," i continued, my voice firm. "i'm not going to tell you where i was last night, and you need to respect that." i could see the suspicion still lingering in her eyes.

"are you really going to throw a tantrum over this?" i asked incredulously, my arms still crossed in front of me. my sister had always been possessive and overbearing, but this was taking things too far.

"i want to know where you were last night," she said, her tone still neutral but her eyes flashing with anger. "well, i'm not telling you," i replied firmly, refusing to back down.

"you're not invited to join us," she said, her words dripping with anger. i shook my head in disbelief wondering when she would finally grow up and learn to respect other people's boundaries.

"wednesday," enid whispered, clearly disagreeing with my sister's attitude. "no, if she wants to keep secrets from us, that's her choice," my sister spoke angrily, causing a pang of hurt in my heart. it ached as she stormed out of the room, leaving an awkward expression on enid's face. i could see the uncertainty in her eyes as she looked at me, not knowing where she stands or what to do.

✓ | 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒, larissa weemsWhere stories live. Discover now