55 - Lee Heeseung

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Imagine you're walking into a party, wearing the newest addition to your closet. Consequently, your new outfit makes you feel like the hottest person on the planet, and rightfully so.

As you're walking in, you feel the gaze of your now ex-best friend along with her toxic entourage. When you make eye contact with them, they giggle under their breaths mockingly, which only causes you to smirk in amusement.

They watch in confusion as you slowly spin in place to show off your new outfit. When you see a twinge of jealousy sparkle in your ex-best friend's eyes, your smug expression grows. Perhaps it isn't the healthiest of moves, but you know that the best parts of your body were always her insecurities; it might be a lie if you said you didn't intend to bring out those specific features just a little bit more than usual tonight.

Your subtle smirk widens into a bright smile when you feel a warm hand snake around your lower back until the person is holding you protectively in a side hug. You watch in satisfaction as the group of friends slowly stops giggling. Instead, horror and anger flash across your once best friend's face as soon as she realizes who's holding onto you so close - her crush.

"That's right," Heeseung says, leaning in close to whisper right next to your ear. A wave of tingles cascades down your spine when his soft lips ghost against the tip of your ear. "Show them how hot you look." 

♡ ♡ ♡

Happy Monday, Dalgis! How'd y'all like this Heeseung imagine 😏 I have honestly come to accept the fact that my ult bias is definitely one of those guys that will just flirt for fun, so I thought, "Why not play into this trait a little more?" Although, if I'm being completely honest, I still imagine Heeseung in this imagine to genuinely have a love interest in Y/N.

I hope you have all been staying safe, happy, and healthy! I got sick over the weekend but I'm slowly recovering and I'm so ready to feel at my best again, lol. I love you all so much 💗

Until next week,

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