66 - Choi Yeonjun

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Imagine you're at an annual benefit gala, dolled up in your most expensive formal wear and adorned in your brightest jewels. This event is the biggest event of the year for your husband, who works in the C-Suite of one of the biggest firms in his industry. In fact, all of the largest companies in his industry get together for this formal nonprofit fundraiser to give back to the community, at least on paper. In reality, it's a night for each company to try to one-up each other; and your husband's company has been in a tight rivalry with the same firm for the past four years.

"This is going to be the year, darling," your husband whispers excitedly, snaking an arm around your waist and flashing his best smile for the cameras. As the blinding lights continue to blink around you, you do your best to school your features and smile for the cameras as well. "Smile, darling."

Little to your husband's knowledge, you find this action extremely hard to do. He's been sneaking around with a secret mistress for the past year but you only recently found out a couple of weeks ago.

"Look, there he is," your husband suddenly snarls under his breath just as the two of you make it to the end of the red carpet that was set up for the event. When you turn back, you catch the captivating gaze of Choi Yeonjun, the CEO of your husband's rival firm.

"Smile and be nice, dear," you mutter when Yeonjun begins to make his way over to the two of you. "There are reporters everywhere."

"It's so great to see you two!" Yeonjun greets animatedly with a certain hint of reservation in his tone. You notice your husband visibly stiffen when Yeonjun leans in for a hug, which he begrudgingly returns. However, you notice him tense even further when Yeonjun leans in to embrace you in a hug as well.

"It's great seeing you too, Yeonjun," you smile as you pull back from the embrace, meeting his gaze once again. Something dark and mysterious swirls in his irises which sends your stomach flipping somersaults. Memories of the ravenous evening the two of you shared a few days ago play in your mind and you notice the corner of his lips curl into a subtle smirk.

"I didn't expect to see you here, Y/N," Yeonjun comments. Out of the corner of your eyes, you see your husband's lips pinch together tightly.

"Why wouldn't I bring my wife to such a glamorous event? I want her here with me when my company donates the most this year."

"Forget the publicity stunt that will bring momentary attention to my company. If I had a wife that gorgeous, I would be showing her off in front of all these reporters and making my rivals jealous."

Your husband's grip on your waist suddenly tightens. "I'm aware of how beautiful my wife is."

"Right," Yeonjun nods, sending you a wink. He then ghosts one hand down your bare arm, sending shivers down your spine. When he reaches your hand, he lifts it to plant a delicate kiss on the back of your palm. "It was great seeing you again, Y/N."

Your heart is hammering in your chest as you watch him walk away.

"Again? What does he mean again?" your husband panics.

"We see him every year at the gala, dear," you shrug nonchalantly before heading into the venue. 

♡ ♡ ♡

Happy Monday, Dalgis! I'm finally back from vacation and I'm so excited to share this Yeonjun imagine! Honestly, this was a really fun piece to write so I hope y'all enjoyed it as much as I did. 

Speaking of Yeonjun, how do we feel about Do It Like That? Tbh, TXT and the Jonas Brothers are a collaboration I never knew I needed. I think the song turned out really well and I really love it. 

I hope you're all staying safe, happy, and healthy! I love you all so much 💗

Until next week,

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