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(TW: abuse, burns, blood)

I walked though the forest, the clanging of potion bottles muffled by the bag on my hip.

Sneakers hitting the grass and the occasional twig, ears twitch with every noise.

My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to distract myself from the itching of the old burns that littered my body.

To my luck I saw a boy, blonde and tall for what I assume is a human. He was stumbling though the gaps of the trees.

He was mumbling to himself while rubbing his arms, which were bruised and dirty.

There was dirt caked into his hair, sticks and leafs poking out. He had a slight limp, and a bruised up face.

I teleported behind a tree closer to him, his clothes were ripped up and stained with dirt and blood.

I stepped out from behind the tree going completely unnoticed because of the poor boys ranting.

"Um, hello?" I hesitantly  shuffled slightly closer to him "You ok?"

"THE HELL?" The boy shifted on his feet, turning his body and stumbling back. Slamming into a tree in the process. He whined as he rubbed his back in an attempt to soothe the pain.

"Calm down, I have no intention of harming you." I said while crouching down slightly to make my 6'10 self less intimidating.

The boy pulled himself together pointing a poorly made wood sword at me. Fear was evident on his face as he looked up to meet my eyes.

The twitching of his lower lip, the tears welling up in his eyes, the shaking of his hand, the bruises. This image was all to familiar.

And as my hand reached into my bag "pay it forward." Was all that circled though my mind.

<<time skip>>

After a lot of convincing and negotiating he aloud me to tend to his wounds and cook him a meal.

Just like when i was tending to his wounds, We sat in silence as he stared at the fire, and ate the steak I cooked.

"So blondie, how did you end up all beat up?" It took him a minute to switch his attention off of the fire and onto me.

He blinked and immediately started glaring at me. "My name is Tommy! And thats none of your business."

"Ohh but I quite like blondie."

"I don't care what you like you prick!"

I chuckled while leaning closer to the fire and enjoying the heat and trying to piece together the small parts of what he was mumbling before.

"You said something about a dream, and... and a party? I think, very much might have heard you wrong so." I shrugged as my eyes stole glances at him every once in a while.

His shoulders stiffened and his mood soured. "I had a party... none of my friends came" an over dramatic frown reached his face "Its really sad, you should pity me and give me more food."

I shook my head my head and sweetly said "Starve." while handing him more steak from off the fire.

He laughed a little and got to eating, my mind still hungry with curiosity I pushed more. "Did someone do it to you, are did you fight some mobs with the wood sword of yours?"

He was hesitant but eventually complied "I wasn't talking about a dream, I was talking about Dream. A person, he did it."

That put a sour taste in my mouth, I didn't know dream personally in any way but I knew he was manipulative. And a grown man.

I also knew he was powerful, he was talked about like a god in some villages. He bought strong and expensive potions from some of the towns I've passed though.

Why was he picking on this kid so bad? For power, fun? It didn't matter. Having been on the receiving end of this torment at one point or another.

I refuse to let him be treated like this any longer.


(Something i feel like i should disclose is that (Y/N) is wearing pants that cover his leg so Tommy has no clue that its amputated)

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