Letting the adults talk. (pt. 1)

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(Y/N) picked the woman up and ran inside, ignoring the two blonds and approaching man. The snow nipped and burned his skin but he couldn't care less. The woman in his arms was his only concern.

He laid her on a chest before quickly rummaging through the others, anxiety fueled all his movements making them shaky and unbalanced. He begrudgingly pulled out bandages and gauze with a groan. He wanted a potion.

There wasn't any.

He stood over her, quickly looking over every injury and open wound. She had bruising everywhere but most concerning was her neck. The door slammed open and closed behind him with loud foot steps and yelling close to follow. He poured a small amount of hydrogen peroxide on the wounds and watched them fizz, he grabbed a towel and the tea kettle.

The enderman poured water on the rag and folded over on itself to avoid contact. He dabbed at the injures then grabbed gauze and bandaged all the wounds.

After she was patched up to the best of his ability he grabbed the blanket from earlier and laid it on her. The (h/c) haired man's adrenaline started to filter out as he watched her breath. He hoped to all the gods above she was okay.

For him and for whoever did this to her.

He held her hand, tracing shapes on the back of her palm as his other hand made its way to her neck. He knew she was alive but he was terrified, his judgment wanted a guarantee. He gently pressed his pointer and middle finger again her neck, feeling her heart beat pulse against his fingers.

The world that was once in zero gravity and jumbled all around, now started to fall back into place on his shoulders. She may not have been okay but she was alive. Thats better than the alternative.

(Y/N) finally turned back and saw the blond man sat up on a crafting table. His wings were being bandaged by Techno and Tommy handed him a healing potion which he chugged. The man looked at (Y/N) and gave him a polite smile.

(Y/N) smiled back and turned to his aunt. He sat down on his knees and laid his chin on the chest. He didn't have the intention of leaving this spot until she woke up.


Its been an hour, Tommy begrudgingly went down stairs to "let the adults talk" as Techno put it. But they didn't.  They just sat in silence. Techno didn't ask questions about Savanna, Phil didn't ask about
(Y/N), and (Y/N) didn't ask about Phil.

Phil and Techno would talk every once in a while but it was short lived conversation, (Y/N) just played with Savi's fingers and fiddled with the rings she wore. His spacing out would be cut short though by a finger flicking his nose.

"I thought I said don't touch the expensive ones." The endermans eyes widened as he looked up at the voice that held a thick southern accent. It was his aunt who was softly glaring at him. "Aunt Savi!"

He stood up, hunched over, shoving his face into the crook of her neck and snaked his hands around her waist. "Ow you little asshole, my back!" She yelled while gently smacking him away.

(Y/N) smiled with tears slightly brimming his eyes, "Why are you so violent?" The older woman chuckled and slowly sat up while looking at his false leg. "Please you've been through worse."

The two sat in a somewhat comfortable silence for a minute before the blond man from before cut in. "Are you okay Savanna?" The short woman glared at the man, then his wing, then her bandaged arms. "Oh never better, Darlin'." Techno quickly chimed in, "Okay now that we know everyone is functioning at least can we please discuss that, ya know. Near death experience."

The woman nodded slightly before rubbing her hand against her neck causing her to wince. "(Y/N) my love, can you see if my bag is outside I should have some potions in there." The enderman nodded his head and ran outside, like a dog eager to help its owner.

Phil laughed slightly at the sight, "He may have grown a lot but by the gods he is the exact same." The black haired woman nodded along, "I know and I can't tell if its a blessing or a curse." She sighed while slowly putting her hair up. Her arms were already sore from all that happened and pushing against her bruises made the pain worse.

Techno stared at the two ever so slightly annoyed at how quickly his comment was shrugged off. "Would you like one of my potions Phil, I'm sure they'll work a bit better that whatever you might have around here." She said while eyeing the brewing stand.

"Well if you are offering I won't say no." The man answered with a pleasant smile laid on his face. Techno held back a scoff, what makes hers better than what he can make?

He tried to ignore both the sweet and bitter comments running through his head as the enderman walked in, being the perfect distraction.

He watched as the taller man handed her that bag and analyzed every inch of her face, why?
He didn't know, (Y/N) never did that to anyone else but he didn't give a shit.

Maybe he did with the aggression that sentence held but he shook off the slightly concerning thought as his attention was now in the two injured people.

"Are we gonna talk about it now?" He said with an voice coming more from the chest than usual. He sounded intimidating.

He wanted answers and he intended on getting them.

Even if he had to scare in out of them.



Also apparently your not supposed to use hydrogen peroxide on wounds but to lazy to go and change that so- don't do that my friends :)

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