Midnight mayhem.

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It was now the midnight.
Everyone took a moment from addressing the problem to make accommodation's for their new living situation.

(Y/N).. on multiple occasions offered his bed to Savanna. Like. A lot of occasions.

But she denied in favor of sleeping in the living room on a bed of blankets, Techno moved down with (Y/N) and Tommy for now so Phil can have a proper bed.

This was quite the the sacrifice for the piglin, who was very fond of a good nights rest. But Phil needed it more with his wings... that were still fucked up even after the healing potion.

Poor old man was stuck sitting through a lecture from Savanna about his "dumbass-ity" and incompetence to be trying to carry both of their body weights with healing wings.

And she was petty as hell about it, being one of the few times it was Phil in the wrong and not her.

But (Y/N) was currently sprawled out on his bed glaring a hole into the ceiling. The loud snores from Tommy and the grumbly ones from Techno were the only thing echoing through the room. He still hadn't fully recovered from seeing Savanna in such a state.

She was his everything.

The only thing he had for so long.

And for a few seconds he thought he lost it.

He was a grown man but a part of him still saw her as untouchable. She was all powerful in his eyes, the same eyes that stared at her with nothing but pure admiration.
It was a shock to him to remember she was still human.

She could still be ripped away from him at any time.

She felt invincible to him but she still had her mortality in the hands of the gods.

He wasn't one for revenge, hence why he was always running. If he pretended it wasn't there no one would get hurt. But now Savanna was hurt because of his ignorance.

Revenge was the only appropriate course of action in his eyes.


Techno's body slowly started to feel it's own weight, the noises around him gently filling his ears, the world around his beginning to be there.

He let his eyes slowly open and adjust to the dim lighting of the room before he shot up. Propping himself up on his elbows with a groggy look. He let out a grumble as he eyes the room and scratched his cheek.

He felt disoriented.
This room felt different. He looked around noticing the bed parallel to him which held a snoring Tommy and lamps hung from the corner.

It felt different cause it was different. The day before slowly filtering into his brain, he slept down here because Phil.

And the Savanna women was in the living room.. (Y/N) really wanted her to sleep in here instead. He wanted her to have a bed. His bed. The pink haired mans eyes immediately shot to the bed in question, it had the blanket messily back thrown the wrinkled sheets.

The enderman had already gotten up.

Of course he did. He had been getting up earlier and earlier lately. And now he just had more of a reason with the woman he held so closely upstairs.

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