Cottage core.

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(Y/I) = your initial
(TW: drug joke)

Tommy had held a mostly one sided conversation with (Y/N), the man would put his two cents in every once in a while but he was still very out of it.

Both of the boys paces slowed as they reached a small yet jagged mountain. "We got to go over it." Tommy said with obvious reluctance. (Y/N) shook his head while walking towards it and laughed.

"You have to, I can just do this." (Y/N) teleport on the side of the mountain, smirking down at Tommy mockingly while walking up the last few steps.

What (Y/N) missed was the thin layer of ice that was on the rocks of the mountain. Words of annoyance left Tommys mouth as he quickly scrambled up, struggling to reach the man.
(Y/N) on the other hand preformed a tap dance in an attempt to balance himself.

By the time Tommy got up the man had hit the floor, he fell on his side making his elbow slam into his ribs. A not very manly squeak escaped his throat and as Tommy was about to burst out laughing, a blob of green caught his attention.

It was a pen, filled to the brim with turtles, and these turtles could only belong to one man.

"They're like potatoes, but green."

After those words left Tommys mouth he broke out into a sprint past the pen. (Y/N) was quick to follow after struggling to not continuously slip on the icy rocks.

As they ran (Y/N) noticed the cottage that the two of them were approaching, it looked nice and warm. (Y/N) envied the owner, and that envy grew when (Y/N) saw Tommy open the chest at the bottom floor of the house.

"Omg Big (Y/I) we hit the jack pot!" Tommy rummaged through the chest pulling randomly things out, judging them and either shoving them in his pockets or throwing them back in. He pulled some green stuff out.

"Can I snort this?" He asked while throwing it back in. (Y/N) ignored his concerning question in favor of the zombie villagers in a boat next to them, as he stepped closer they got louder trying to grab at him.

(Y/N) shuddered and backed up, having hope that Tommy would be less unsettling he turned back to the boy only to see him run out of the room, (Y/N) once again quick to follow. Closing the doors behind himself.

Tommy ran up the stairs of the house, running in like a kid in a candy store. Immediately going into the chests, grabbing some golden apples and shoving then im his pockets. "The person who lives here be living the cottage core dream."

As (Y/N) finished his sentence be backed up into the door and looked at the floor, waiting for Tommy to notice. The Boy pulled himself out of the chest, ready to go upstairs but saw an enderman in a boat. The boy grinned directly at it and it was quick to react. Its mouth gaped open as it let out a screech.

(Y/N) covered his ears at the high pitched noise, Tommy just smiled more and yelled "ELLO TO YOU TO SIR!" The boy stepped forward and pretended to shake its hand, but it slapped him. "OW YOU BITCH!" (Y/N) cackled at Tommy as he grabbed the boys shoulder and pulled him away.

"Stop tormenting the dude." Tommy looked at him while rubbing his cheek and quickly asked "wait your an enderman, why do they get mad when looking at em'?"

The man shrugged look around the room some more, "I don't know. Eye contact... it burns for some reason. Its not as bad for me because I'm part enderman but its weird. My arms get all tingly and my knees feel like they are about to buckle under me."

Tommy looked away from him and nodded, he walked towards the ladder and quickly climbed up. (Y/N) stayed downstairs and  looked around some more, he just enjoyed the homeyness of the place. (Y/N) has always wanted to have a nice house, with a farm, a pretty kitchen.

He quickly shook off his thoughts as Tommy hit the floor next to him. The blonde boy opened a trapped door and dropped down to the next floor. (Y/N) followed behind him, he held his hand on the hilt of his sword, unsure of whats on the next floor.

He had nothing to worry about though, it was well lit... but there was mobs trapped in glass with pumpkins on their heads. He ignored them and focused on the blond who was mining down.

"What are you doing?"

"I am a Raccoon!" He dug a room into the floor, (Y/N) jumped down with him. He placed his crafting table down and made some ladders and laid them against the wall.

"JUST TWO MEN RACCOONING!" Tommy quickly grabbed the crafting table and moved it to a better fitting place. After it was moved he replaced the walls with yellow concrete and yelling "Piss wall."

The boy then ran up the ladder, (Y/N) gave up with following him and sat on the crafting table.

He will be back soon enough.

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