Farm hand.

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Tommy leaned down against the body of a cow, "My life is so hardddd."  He groaned, gently patting the animal below him.

"Ah yes, it's terrible being asked to do the bare minimum to earn our stay." (Y/N) furrowed his brows and mockingly pouted at the younger boy.

The man was currently shoving hay into the metal troughs that that hung from a gate. Tommy glared and stuck his tongue out at man while he hopped back out of the cow pen.

The two were assigned the task of feeding and caring for the animals for the day.

So far it was amazing.

Note the sarcasm.

"Why should I have to "earn my stay" he almost got me killed multiple times and DID kill my friend once." The blonde grumbled while walking along with (Y/N) on the bumpy and snowy trail.

(Y/N) nodded along, barely processing the words leaving the boys mouth, a habit he gained when he noticed Tommy's discomfort of past topics.

But Tommy had no real filter, if there was a big enough of an emotion behind his throughs it would push past all the boundaries Tommy tried to set to keep himself safe.

Leading to many unfortunate comments about the past randomly being said.

Like right now, Tommy never really told (Y/N) about Tubbo.

He didn't want to.

Yes he loved Tubbo, and would still dub him a close friend but he didn't go to his party. He also exiled him. He obviously didn't feel that bad about it or he would have visited.

He was confused on how he felt about most of the people in his life, Dream hurt Tommy multiple times.

But he was there.

Tubbo was one of his closest friends but he still exiled Tommy. Even after everything they went through together, the pit, L'manberg, Eret.

He wasn't there.

He liked (Y/N). But he didn't know him. He could be just like Dream for all he knows. Him saying and doing all these nice things could be a manipulation tactic.

Or he could be a really nice friend, a man the Tommy can look up to but a person that wont look down at him.

He was there when both Tubbo and Dream weren't.

All these thoughts happened in a matter of seconds as he look at Tommy. "What do you mean he killed your friend?"

"Oh um... well when we had an election my friend became Shlatts second in command and when that happened he spied for us and when Shlatt found out he executed Tubbo by asking Techno to shoot him with fire work. He didn't know that Techno worked with us."

Tommy spat out this information out at the speed of light, after a moment of silence and the only noise being heard was the cogs turning in (Y/N) head he finally formed a proper sentence.

"Why did he do it?"

(Y/N) stared hardened, he tried to hide how much this soured his mood and clouded his mind.

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