Watch closely.

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(Y/N) nodded along with Technos words and turned to the woman once again, eagerly waiting for her to speak. She was filtering through her bag in search for her potions.

"Just some nosy bitch, who was stronger than I thought okay?" Savanna said, popping the lid to a glass bottle with glowing red liquid inside. As she poured it down her throat she felt the acidity attacking her tongue.

She then tossed a bottle to the blond man, who was looking at her with annoyance. "Savanna," he reached out and caught the bottle. "Don't do this again."

"Do what Phil? Give you a potion?" He cocked his head to the side with a the disappointment of a father emitting from his body. "Savi don't pretend nothing happened, they deserve to know." (Y/N) quickly perked up at this, speaking loudly in an attempt to get the two attention, "Um, know what exactly?"

Savanna eyed the tall male then the blonde, her eyes slightly begging him not to speak. Her pleas went unheard though as he spoke to (Y/N).

"It was Dream."

Techno rolled his eyes and groaned in annoyance, "Of course it was him, no one can just let me enjoy my retirement eh."

The black haired woman flipped off Phil, only receiving a petty smile and head tilt in response. (Y/N) on the other hand was planning out a way to get rid of Dream, he was harming Tommy and now his Aunt. He was a problem he couldn't just run from.

(Y/N) quickly stopped these thoughts in there tracks, he was never the protective type. At least thats what he believed. But now having someone who clung to him, someone he needed to protect changed that.

Techno on the other hand had the same thought for a different reason. The piglin wanted Dream gone, but because he was a disruption.

Yes he technically didn't wish harm on Tommy or this Savanna woman but Tommy was here and Savanna was a grown woman.

But he wanted peace.

He wanted to be here and live in a cycle of safety and security.

He didn't have that before because of pogtopia. He didn't have that because of the butcher army. Now it's Dream.

Dream is becoming a fucking nightmare.

Savanna was pissed off, not because of Phil..

Well partially because of Phil but mainly Dream.

Savanna never wanted kids. She wanted get a wife and live her life moving. She wanted to explore and constantly be dotting over her love. A kid was never in this equation.

But she knew damn well she wasn't leaving (Y/N) on the ground.

Bleeding, crying, pleading to whatever god there is to save him.

So she threw what she wanted away from what he needed.

She couldn't say she regretted it though. Once he got older she just got free help, and learned a lot from caring for him.

She made many promises the day she found him.

She'd heal him back to health. She'd protect him at all costs, she'd give him the protection she never had.

She'd give him the love that was conditional for her.

All four of them were lost in thought as silence hung heavy over the room. Savanna continued to reminisced on her vows to
(Y/N) her eyes locked onto the pink haired hybrid. He was a threat.

A loose cannon, an unstable man, a danger to what she swore to protect. She'd be watching him very closely.

Techno looked over Savanna, the voices echoing complements and complaints. Some were trying to read her like a book while others continued to belt insults at the woman's closeness to the enderman hybrid.

Techno let out a small grumble of annoyance, his ears rung with their words and it was annoying. It was hard to have your own thoughts when their was so many unbearable influences bouncing off of your brain.

He'd have to watch her. Very fucking closely. Normally he'd trust Phil's judgment on people but she was in his home. And had an aura of pure threat.

She felt dangerous.

She was small. He could easily deal with her.

Why did he feel so threatened?


I know its short and extremely late but I did it-

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