Is he okay?

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Techno quickly walked out after half-heartedly mumbling some excuse of needing to do farm work. Before (Y/N) even had the chance to question, Savanna quickly pulled his attention.



(Y/N) voice belted through the air as his eyes stared at Savanna in pure disbelief. The woman sputtered out an attempt at defending herself, "SHUTTHEHELLUP I TRIED!"

The enderman prodded at the "eggs" in the pan with a spatula, it was pure black. It looked like she just put coal in the pan. "I remember you being decent at cooking! What the hell happened?!"

The woman rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. "I cook things like soup. Where I just boil it and smell seasonings."

"Is that why I was made to cook once I could use a stove?"


"Well damn, okay."

(Y/N) said while dumping the "eggs" out the window, it hitting the snow and melting through with a small sizzling noise. He just shrugged and closed the window and turned back to his Aunt, grumbling in annoyance.

"You burnt all our eggs. I'll need to get more from outside I guess."

"Stop complaining, you'll live ya big baby." Savanna teased while tossing the jacket that was hung up to (Y/N), the hybrid grabbing it and throwing it over his shoulders while putting on some rain boots.

He rolled his eyes and playfully flipped her off, walking out with loud thumps echoing from his boots. The curly haired woman scoffed. Then a smirk grew on her face, walking through the room and grabbing the spatula from before.

She hummed to herself while swaying her hips to the rhythm. Reaching the window and sliding it open, winding her arm back and throwing the spatula through the air... slamming the enderman hybrid in the back of the head.


"When you're done yellin sweetheart, bring the spatula back along with those eggs please."

She sung out the window while sliding it closed, a small laugh leaving her as she could hear the muffled complaints of the (h/c) haired man.

She was about to turn back to the room as she continued to hum before a bird slammed into the window. "Jesus fucking christ!"

The woman yelped in surprise, seeing the small black feathered body of the bird slide down the glass. She smiled while opening the window again and picking up the small bird, "Awe, poor chat. I remember you being brighter than that."

Her hands gently combed through it's feathers, preening it's wings delicately while slowly turning back to the room.


Savanna yelped while swatting her hands into a defensive position, a strong gold glow emitting from her palms. The crow let out a squawk/screech and flying back out the window.

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