Facing a fear.

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(Y/N) was up early once again, he was sweeping the floor and cleaning in any way he could. He and Tommy had made a mess yesterday while sowing. He keeps finding stray needles and it was terrifying. He never knew if it was gonna lodge into his foot or hit metal.

He was also glancing out the window occasionally. The anxiety was creeping up again, the looming feeling of despair and he was struggling to just shrug it off this time.

He would look out the window to see what he believes was a person and he would start choking up. His lungs closed, not letting air in or out and all his humanity left. He felt the need to claw his way out of the house and run until his legs gave out.

All of this only to see it was the fence post that a polar bear was tied to. He felt so dramatic but it was physically effecting him so he couldn't say all these feeling were just in his head.

This over thinking about the legitimacy of his emotions was cut short by loud stomps and clattering upstairs.

The clashing of metal and loud cursing was heard, quickly followed by strong footsteps leading to the ladder. The harsh sound of boots slamming the floor attacked (Y/N)'s ears. "Hey Techno, calm down are you okay?"

(Y/N) turned to the man only to see him quickly approaching, his hair was messy and his face was covered by a skull. He had armor laid on his body and scarily strong grip on a long heavy axe. His aura was terrifying, he reeked of blood lust.

(Y/N) was already losing it with anxiety and this wasn't helping.

Was this the moment (Y/N) was gonna learn what Tommy's friend had to go through? If so was he going to go after Tommy next? Was (Y/N)'s anxiety justified but wrongly placed?

As he was crumbling inside Techno reached out his hand and placed it on the taller man's waist, gently pushing him to the side. In contrast to this action he slammed open the chest behind him and shoved away every unneeded object. Quickly grabbed all the potions he could find and quickly attaching them to his belt.

(Y/N) just stood, his adrenaline was racing and his breathing had practically stopped. His mind was running a mile a minute with some of the thoughts pointing out the similarity's to him and Techno. Others pointing out how over dramatic he was.

This man would melt if he saw a cute puppy? Why would he kill you? But this man also blew up a country. What would stop him?

(Y/N)'s eyes never left Techno's figure, he jumped as the pink haired man harshly slammed the chest shut. He then ran out the door slamming it as well leaving a silent house and hysterical (Y/N).

He just stood in silence, trying so hard not to break down. He had never felt like this. Not since he left.

He left small. Weak.


He never let himself feel this way. He runs to much. Any trigger of "trauma" and he'd run. He never let himself process it.

He had snapped.

He didn't have a choice but to feel this and it was sickening.

Tears would well up in his eyes only to quickly be blinked away, he didn't want to feel this. His hands balled into fists and his nails pierced his palms.

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