Fathers day.

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This doesn't actually affect the plot nor has this "happened" yet because (Y/N), Techno, and Tommy haven't fully developed this relationship but this was a cute little idea of (Y/N) and Tommy for fathers day!
Also a little bit of Techno and
(Y/N) being flirty cause why not?-
(F/c) = favorite color

Tommy had locked me out of the down stairs area, saying wasn't aloud in because he said so.

I shrugged it off seeing as he's old enough to be fine by himself but was kind of nervous as to what the blonde gremlin could be doing. Right now I'm currently helping Techno out with farm work.

Which was the exact reason I was trying to run downstairs.

I was stood in the cold holding two bales of hay, my entire body was itchy and I swear theres hay permanently imbedded in my eyes.

I sighed as Techno took one bale from my arms and put it in a trough for the cows. "God I hate farm work."

"You'll live (Y/N)." I sighed dramatically once again and places the last bale in the other side of the trough and spread it out, "Not happily,"

I turned and leaned down slightly to Techno looking at the tusks on his face , "Could you fix that?" I felt a small amount of heat reach my cheeks as I tried to ignore it. I really wanted to fluster him, but as per usual it would flip on me.

He grabbed the collar of my jacket and pulled it down towards him, "Watch it big guy, we're still supposed to be working." He smirked while staring me down, I glanced at his eyes before moving down to the floor.

I felt my face flare up more, and I'm sure Techno could feel the heat radiating off my cheeks as his smirk grew. "Come on, now we have to deal with the bears!" He dragged me along with him.

I'd ask aunt Savi for advice for whatever me and Techno are later.


We finally finished the work, after me being used to carry stuff or a play thing for the bears. I was making tea for me and Techno to warm up.

Phil had come over recently with a bunch of new teas to try.

Sadly none of them had labels so it was Russian roulette with tea. I made three cups of whatever tea we currently were trying. Techno was going on about a war he was reading about recently.

And how much better it would have been with a revenger or wither. I just nodded and hummed while I waited for my tea to cool down.

As I finally took a sip of the sweet drink, Tommy climbed up the ladder like his life depended on it. He quickly stood and grabbed my arm. His fingers were bandaged and he looked rushed.

"Whats wrong Tommy?" The blonde boy pulled at my sleeve and pointed to the ladder "(Y/N) I have something to show you!" I nodded and let him drag me down the ladder.

Techno yelled a lazy "See you later I guess." Being ignored by Tommy and a receiving a wave from me.

When we got down to our shared room he yelled, "Close your eyes!" I quickly did as I was asked and stood in place. I heard him shuffling around and the crinkling of paper, which I furrowed my brows at.

"Hold your hands out."

I pulled my hands close to my chest, "Why?" "Just do it old man!" I felt a hand slap my arm as I reluctantly held my arms out.

I felt a piece of paper in one hand and the on the other i felt a sting with a small amount of weight pulling it down.

"Open you eyes now."

I opened them to see a (F/c) piece of paper, it was folded over itself to the shape of a card.

"happy fathers day!"

It had a small drawing of who I'm assuming is me and Tommy. I looked down at Tommy then the paper. "Thank you, but whats father's day?"

Tommy's eyes widened and his face went slightly red. "You seriously don't know what father's day is."

I shook my head then looked at the bag the was hung from my other hand, I reached to open it before Tommy pulled it away from me.

"Father's day is... its like... its to celebrate. The... person." Tommy kept cutting himself off and staring into space.

"(Y/N), I told you that I look up to you right..." I nodded and listened closely. "Well fathers day is a day to celebrate your father. But some people don't want to celebrate their biological father or some people don't have fathers to celebrate."

I nodded once again "I don't want to celebrate my biological dad, can I celebrate you instead?" I looked down at Tommy wide eyes as his face was red and his eyes were stuck in the ground.

"You look at me like a father figure?" Tommy tensed and somehow turned more red "DON'T READ SO FAR INTO IT YOU LANKY BASTARD!"

I smiled and hugged Tommy, holding the card as gently as possible. "Thank you Tommy."

I felt him relax a little and hug back, I pulled away and reached my hand out for the bag. He handed it to me and stared at the ground once again.

I opened it and saw a bandanna, it matched his but with a few patched of (F/c).

"Do you like it? I made it for you."

I looked back at his bandaged fingers the sowing needles and scrapes of fabric that were shoved under his bed.

"I love it Tommy."


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