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Anxiety filled every inch of
(Y/N)'s being, every second there wasn't someone speaking his mind filled the silence. He tossed and turned that night, continuously checking his communicator praying she was okay. Techno thought (Y/N) was freaked out when Tommy was in danger.

But when this Savannah women was brought up, the man looked like he was about to crumble. When Techno asked the enderman about her, he just said it was an old friend, and Techno didn't push.


The young ender man was sat on the end of a cart, he had a big fluffy jacket laid on his shoulders. Crutches leaned on the cart next to him as he watched people talk, trade potions, or give gold scraps for ingredients. He lightly kicked his leg while he stared, admiring the witch who was having a conversation with a tall blond man. He had a long green robe with many intricate gold designs.

The boys burns have healed for the most part, but there definitely a lot of scaring. Some laid on his cheeks, more on his arms. Then his legs, or just leg. His right leg wasn't that bad, a scar here and there but it was protected from the rain by his pants.

His his left thigh was burned to high hell. The bear trap ripped his pants and the bottom part of his leg off. His flesh fully exposes to the burning rain, inside and out. Luckily The lady that saved him is a witch, so she helped the healing process. She makes potions, casts spells, carves rune into armor or weapons.

Because of this she constantly travels, meaning (Y/N) was quick to have to learn a new way of movement. Crutches. He hated it so much, he took forever to learn how to shift his weight properly. And every time he miss stepped he didn't have his other leg to catch himself.

But Savi was there to catch him almost every time. The witch's name is Savanna but she insisted on being called Aunt Savi, and what right did (Y/N) have to say no? Being pulled out of his inner monologue the Blond man walked up to (Y/N).

He crouched down to reach (Y/N) level. "Hi, my names Phil nice to meet you." The man held his hand out for (Y/N) to shake. The boy just nodded in response keeping his hands under the comfortable warmth of the jacket.

Savanna stepped out from behind Phil and ruffled the boys hair. "Don't be rude kid, I wouldn't let him near you if he was trouble."
The boys gaze turned to a glare as he moved it from the witch to Phil. He shook the mans hand reluctantly and grumbled

"Well (Y/N), we have something we think you will like." Phil reached into his pocket and pulled out a paper. The paper was covered in many sketchy lines, with the words "prosthetic" written under it.

(Y/N) being a very sheltered child had no clue what was drawn on the paper, he tilted his head and questioningly look up at the two adults. Savanna smiled and said,

"It's your new leg buddy."


(Y/N) was laid on his bed, the room was filled with Tommy snoring and the soft light of a candle lit lamp. Tommy was scared of the Dark so the man made him one, he also wasn't a fan of the dark as well so it was a win-win situation.

The man tapped his fingertips softly against the bed sheets, his eyes once again shooting to his communicator. Seeing no new notifications, he looked back to the concrete roof and chewed at his bottom lip.

A loud thump was heard at the other side of the room to which he quickly shot up to. His hands gripping the blanket on him as his eyes harshly glared at the ominous shadow on that side of the room. The scratching sound of sand paper was quietly heard, over and over again. Then a grunt.
"Oh hey Techno."

"My matches don't work." The man grumbled as he walked to (Y/N). The enderman rolled his eyes "Good morning to you too." The piglin glared while he sat on a chest near (Y/N) bed. "I'll take it you're a morning person"

The man shook his head, "Not even a little bit, but I'm riding the high of sleep deprivation." He gave a lopsided smile to the glaring man, looking at his tusks rather than his eyes. Techno nodded dropping his glare, having been there at one point he can sympathize.

"So why are you staying up so late?" The Enderman shrugged and stared at the hands laid on his lap. The piglin decided, once again, not to push as he glanced at a sleeping Tommy.

"Were going to L'manberg today."

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