Early morning chaos.

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(Y/N) was still worried about the new part of Techno's past he had learned, but he listened to his Aunt and tried to continued on with his life.

He was currently up at an unusual time, evident by the soft orange the sky was slowly turning blue. He was currently doing some chores. The smell of bitter coffee floating through the air as he juggled his three current tasks.

He was flipping between items in the chest and organizing as he went, while also cooking breakfast for everyone in the house. To add to this already slightly overwhelming list, he was trying to clean every surface in the building.

Oh how he despised being unorganized.

And it usually was never a problem because the enderman never had to unpacked.

But now that (Y/N) had a house he was staying at, there was stuff everywhere. Which most people would find nice because it wasn't necessarily messy. All these places were just frequently used and the laid out objects made it obvious, it's homey.

Not to (Y/N) though.

He heightened his anxiety to unknown levels.

What if they were in a life or death situation and he needed a healing potion?
Well you'd find them at the lowest floor of the house because Tommy was "making" potions, which also involved the soap that (Y/N) would eventually need to grab.

Oh but those harming potions you may also need are still on the stand because Techno forgot to put them away before scurrying off to investigate the chime of his communicator.

Which he's been checking more and more frequently.

The enderman hybrid grabbed the abandoned bottles and gently placed them in there respective spots.

He heard a harsh whistle cut through the air which caused him to turn and immediately kneel down to grab the black handle to the kettle. He turned once again to two mugs which he had placed on the open space of a chest.

He poured about half way before his eyes wandered and his attention was grabbed by how messy the chest top was.

He immediately grabbed a rag and wiped off the surrounding area before moving the two mugs and cleaning there. He then got to the kettle and used the back of his hand to push it out of the way.

A soft sizzle was heard, both from the kettle and (Y/N)'s hand.

The rag was thrown as his arm launched up to his chest, his hand being cradled by the other. He mumbled a string of curses while moving towards the other set of chest, needing one of those healing potions right about now.

Sadly he did not make it.

He slipped on the rag he threw.

A loud thump echoed through the house, but what concerned him more was the loud snap that happened before he hit the floor.

He sat for a few seconds as his body eased itself out of shock, and relief washed over him as he realized that all of his bones were still intact. The relief left as quick as it came as (Y/N) looked down at his left leg.

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