Day dreaming.

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Small warning, I know its been a hot minute since I've posted but this chapter mentions


Small taps could be heard on a window. A teenage girls eyes, no more than fifteen, locked on the outside world that was bustling with life, carts passing by, crowds forming and fading just as fast.

The brown eyes roaming over the couple's that walked over the paths. Holding flowers, chocolates, sweets.

Hugging, kissing, holding hands.

Being in love.

Her eyes watched the other people her age wandering through the world. Girls holding hands with boys. Girls talking and giggling while looking at boy, boys puffing up there chest and putting on there best gentlemen attitude for the girls.

So badly did she crave that.

But her eyes didn't wander to the boys, she didn't want any of them.

Her eyes wandered to a girl her age, with perfect long curly hair. Tied into a pony tail with a pink ribbon tying it all together. Her face was sweet and round like her eyes, her lips two toned and her teeth having the smallest gap between the front two.

Her skin had a pattern, some patches darker or lighter than others. One spot that the girls eyes lingered on the most, right under her cheek bone. It was a light patch of skin under her cheek bone.

Her finger gently ran over the glass that barricaded her from the outside, her mind imagining it was running over that light patch of skin.

The poor girl was picked on for all these little things.

All these things our daydreaming girl adored.
This poor girl was smitten for that little lady.

So badly did she want to be the one to give her sweets. Flowers. Chocolates. A compliment.


But right as her thoughts strayed to far, the bell to the store she was in rung. And despite the hot weather, the room and her blood went cold.

Her posture straightening and the hand the lingered over the window found its place in her lap with the other. She was sat up straight in the reading nook of a book shop. And a tall dark man walked in.

Despite his big frame, his steps were quiet. Almost unheard.

He stepped through the book store without a word, a crate in hand of books. The man placed in on the counter before turning to the girl.

He spoke, unlike his steps, his words were sharp. Powerful, snapping down like a guillotine that instantly sent to girl to her feet and scurrying to help.

"Get back to work Savanna, before I beat the god damn daydream out of you."


(Y/N) wandered around outside, he already had the new eggs in hand.. Having to have fought a chicken or two for them.

He was looking for Techno. He rushed out earlier, which wasn't that unusual. He always seemed awkward. This was likely no different with the strange woman in his living room.

Still, the enderman hybrid was worried. He had already checked the chickens, the cows, the pigs, he was about to give up— that was before he heard the small grumbly voice he was looking for.

"I don't get it."

He raised a brow at the words, who on gods green earth is Techno talking to? No one else was outside.
Unless there was another people who fell out of the sky that he was unaware of.

"She's— she's weird. And it feels like she wants to kill me. I didn't even do anything."

He turned slowly inched towards the voice, it was echoing from the stable. More specifically the stall that had the name "Karl" engraved on the wood of the door.

He crouched down slightly, pecking over the wall just enough to see what was happening but not enough for Techno to see him. The piglin was gently brushing through the horses hair.

His own hair looked freshly brushed, put into the perfect braid. Not a hair out of place— which was unusual. He always played with his hair. Especially when nervous. (Y/N) noticed the way he'd comb through his hair whenever he was focused. 

His hair was always messy, except on Mondays.
In which he'd redo it and deep clean and everything. Make sure it was absolutely perfect. But it wasn't Monday.

And his hair was as neat as the horses. He was brushing the same spot over and over again of a perfectly straight mane.

"What the hell do I even do?.. all this cause that stupid racoon wanted to live in my floor boards." The horse let out a snort, nudging Techno with his head. Getting a grunt in response and a gentle scratch between his ears to ease his little fit.

"Hey! You don't even like him, he's loud.. to be fair you don't really like (Y/N) either. And he's not loud.." once again getting a snort in response. "..most of the time. You can't blame him, Tommy scared the shit out of him and his screaming scared the shit out of you. He's been sweet to you outside of that."

(Y/N) sat there, his eyes lingering on Technos face. He looked content. There was a peace he found here, rambling his problems to a horse as he gently combed through his hair.

..he found it a little endearing.
How scary Techno seemed, then he'd turn around and do something like this. Or swoon when his dog army had more puppies.

Or let out this little whine when he actually had to wake up.

Or how much of a over organizing freak he was until he was hyper fixated. Then he was just a walking tornado. Or—

(Y/N)'s spiraling thoughts were cut off by a loud



Then a loud neigh was heard.. then a thump.


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