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Younger (Y/N) was sat up against the bed frame, his chest rising and falling at a fast pace. He shoved the covers off his body as fast yet gently as possible. The fabric irritated all of his burns and he swears he felt the burning on the leg that isn't there.

Despite all this, it was obvious to (Y/N) that there was healing happening, he could breath without it feeling like flames were leaving his lungs. Movement against his burns still felt horrible but it was much more bearable than before.

A soft knock was heard on the slightly cracked open door as a foot gently pushed it open. A women with extremely curly, dark brown, shoulder length hair stepped in. With tray in hand she stepped towards (Y/N), a soft smile bright on her face, a small gap between her front teeth being seen.

Her eyes stared into (Y/N)'s as she asked how he was feeling, he just nodded along to her angelic southern accent. He didn't dare break the eye contact, her eyes were beautiful brown but practically gold whenever the sunlight from the window touched them.

God, (Y/N) could stare at them forever, and that brought him a lot of comfort. That he could make eye contact with the woman who saved his life, without feeling the irritation in his eyes, the shake in his knees. He felt like he was being cuddled by this angelic women with just her eye contact.

(Y/N)'s ramble was quickly cut off when she placed the Tray on the dresser next to him. She shifted the cup away from the bowl that laid next to it and grabbed a spoon. She scooped up the liquid in the bowl and held her hand under in to catch any stray drops.

She blew on it until it was cooled down then slowly moved it towards the boys face. As the bottom of the spoon landed on his bottom lip she tilted the handle up, gradually pouring it into his mouth. As he swallowed it, pain quickly followed in his throat.

Tears pricked the corners of his eyes as he squinted, she placed the spoon in the bowl and gently caressed the top of his head, her callused hands running through his hair. "I'm sorry darlin', but we can't get better on an empty stomach now can we?"


Techno had made Tommy and (Y/N) beds, which they both greatly appreciated. One showed it more than the other though. Although Today was spent laying around, (Y/N) changed Tommys bandages and assessed the damage more clearly now that Tommy wasn't as scared of him.

They were pretty badly messed up, not even included the stitches (Y/N) had to put on some of the gashes. He was currently recleaning all the wounds.

Tommy clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Why do we have to do this part all over again? You did it when we first met." (Y/N) dipped a rag into a bowl of water and dabbed it against all the dirt on his arms. "Because, the first time i did it in a forest, i can only be so clean when surrounded by dirt. Also you could've gotten dirt on you within that time period, dumbass."

Tommy was going to shoot out a response but quickly pulled his arm away . "Fuck. That hurt." Tommy shot his a look of false anger. (Y/N) reached his hand out to Tommys head, gently ruffling his blond hair. "I'm so sorry kid... truly." (Y/N) pulled his hand away, now having the boy's full attention.

"I'm sorry that you have to deal with someone who is so power hungry that they would beat up a sixteen year old, just to feel that they have some." The man dropped the rag into the water bowl and reached for the new bandages. As he carefully wrapped the boys arms he sat stiff.

"He does have power though..." The ender man raised a brow at this but asked no questions, letting him stop if he wanted to. "He has my discs." (Y/N) grabbed a pair of scissors from the floor and cut of the excise bandages. In the softest voice he could muster he asked "Discs?"

"Like music discs. They mean a lot to me and he took them... and whenever I try to get them back this shit happens!" Tommy pointed at the newly tied bandages as the man switched sides, bandaging his other arm now.

(Y/N) took a deep breath and nodded, "So, you fought him so you could get your discs back and he did this to you?..." he asked trying to hold in the anger that blazed though his mind. Tommy shook his head. "No... I was exiled. By my friend. Dream, he would come and check on me. He would blow up any progress I made. So I hid what I got..."

"He found it." Tommys voice was empty, it lacked all of his childish charm. He stared at the ground as (Y/N) cut the extra bandages and tied them off. (Y/N) softly placed his hand on the side of Tommys head and pulled it to his chest, the boys ear laid were (Y/N)'s heart was. His chin laid on top of Tommys head as he wrapped his other arm protectively around him.

"I will use every resource in my power to help you get those discs back. I promise."

Tommy just nodded, turning his head to bury it in the mans chest. Accepting the comfort, god knows he needed it.

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