Blew up.

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They we're passing over long narrow bridges that were one the verge of sending (Y/N) into cardiac arrest.

Tommy seemed to get just as nervous as (Y/N) because he clung to him like a kid. Techno on the other hand was holding in laughter at the look of the tall man and his blond 'son' being absolutely petrified of the lava.

They eventually creeped up on a nether portal which Tommy was extremely hesitant to approach. Techno walked to it and stepped in without a second thought.

(Y/N) nudged Tommy signaling for him to go ahead, worried to leave him alone in the hot place. Tommy looked at (Y/N) then the portal and took a step. He disappeared into the purple mist.

The enderman was quick to follow as he held his eyes closed and braced himself for the onset of nausea and intense temperature change.

He blinked harshly as his eyes struggled to adjust to the change if lighting, but that didn't last long because he immediately felt something shoved in his hand. He pulled his hand away, taking the unknown object with it as he look at the person who gave it to him.

Only to see no one.

He inspected the floating armor before concluding it was Techno, then looked at what was handed to him to see a bubbling purple liqud labeled in fancy hand writing.


The enderman chugged the purple liquid, god it was disgusting as always. The bitter taste quickly spread its way around his tongue as the bubbles tormented his taste buds.

He look in the Piglins general direction and tilted his head in a questioning manner. "Tommy's exiled and I blew this place up. Were not really welcomed."

(Y/N) nodded "Oh ok." He then started walking in Tommy's direction while Techno sighed in relief. He didn't have to explain anything which was a win for him. Thank you Tommy for taking on the task.

This happiness was short lived as he noticed the taller man stop in his tracks and turn to him. "Blew up?" The shorter shrugged, "Didn't Tommy tell you about this the other day. Yah know one of the many times where he wouldn't shut up?."

"I obviously wasn't listening that much! I knew he said it was blown up but he said Wilbur did it?!" (Y/N) wished this conversation didn't happen while they were invisible. This was one of the few times he would have loved eye contact.

"He then went on a five minute rant about how the withers I spawned were making it worse." (Y/N) nodded and decided that this wasn't the best place to learn about the past events that happened between Technoblade, Tommy and L'manberg.

"Okay, yeah okay. I'll ask questions later. I... I am gonna go check on Tommy." Techno shrugged and followed behind the other hybrid. There was nothing else for him to anyway.

The blond was to focused on the bamboo gold mine that was lining the edge of the land they had entered. He talked to himself out loud about how much he would need while he broke the lower parts to hand them fall so he could cut them smaller with his axe.

(Y/N) walked to him "Yah need help Tom?" The blond looked at him and nodded greedily. "Ah yes my dear body guard, please tie the pieces together to make it easier to take with us." The enderman nodded and did as told, not caring much for the title that was bestowed upon him.

Techno decided to help to, the sooner they got what Tommy needed they could go temporarily kidnap someones dog so he can work in his army.


Sorry for the short chapter and the really late upload- i got really sick for like a week and because of that I didn't work on anything because i felt like i was dying- which then put me in writers block- but its summer break so yayyyy

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