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While the hair cut was happening downstairs, Techno was pacing a hole in the floor of his room.

He has been waiting for an old friend of his to make his way here for a week now but his friend kept running into trouble. While dealing with this trouble he's found a way to pick up a new guest.

He's currently trying to find them a place to stay that isn't where they were before cause god knows why. All these plan changes are sending Techno into a mental spiral.

He's panicking because he needs Phils help to start the new house and he had no idea wether he's safe or not. And thats not even including all the problems the voices are currently causing.

The voices gets hyped up to see Phil only to have this one source of serotonin viciously ripped from their hands because of one message from the man. Then they immediately start screaming again because (Y/N) will walk into the room.

They were driving the piglin mad.

He needed stress relief, he would normally just read a book but he would just space out and overthink every other thing under the sun instead of process any of the information he just read.

When reading wouldn't work he'd talk to Phil but the avian is busy causing half his stress. The man stood in the middle his room, now crossing his arm and glaring at every square inch of it. What in the world could he do to get the voices to shut up?

His eyes quickly moved past the book shelves to his chest that he had already rummaged through, nothing of use.

As he looked down at the floor the thought of cleaning crossed mind but the voices would just complain the whole time. He looked up to see his cape hung from hook, the deep red fabric drawing his attention.
Mounted above it was his netherite axe.

The purple blade shines with a galaxy like glow and the sturdy wood handle had many enchantments carved intricately into it.  He stepped forward and grazed his hand over the handle before pulling it up and towards himself.

Maybe a little hunting would help?


It was now a few hours later,
(Y/N) and Tommy were sat on the floor surrounded by sowing needles, thread, and scraps of fabric that Tommy had collected over the years. The enderman cussed while stabbing at the fabric in his hand.

"You're gonna bleed out at this rate, dumb ass!" The blonde yelled while dropping the jacked he was holding and reaching out for the older mans hand. Annoyance made itself evident in his face and voice as he yelled, "Well I'm sorry I ain't a seamstress!"

(Y/N) had learned many life lessons from Savanna by being quiet and trailing her like a duckling to its mom. He could cook meals that we're both good and balanced, he could pack light for living in a tent or build a house. But if you were to hand him a needle and thread he'd end up sowing his hands together.

"Well you made that obvious enough old man." Tommy on the other hand was a very rambunctious child who has been causing as many problems as he possibly could since he learned to walk. Because of this he's learned to fix up many of the repercussions of these actions.

Many times had that been ripped up clothes.

This eventually became a hobby to sow scraps of fabric together to make things like gloves, socks, bandannas, anything of that nature.

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