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Its been a few days, (Y/N) was getting extremely antsy. He felt paranoid, like someone was watching his every move. His skin crawled when passing windows, his ears twitched when entering rooms alone, listening for some form of life. Its unusual for him to stay in one place this long, the moment this feeling kicks in his fight or flight instincts are quick to follow. And for him its always been flight.

But (Y/N) has something to stay here for, now he's unsure of what to do. Every cell in his body wants to run, to not push it, to save himself. The moment he decides he should do it Tommy steps into the room, the bandages on his arms wrap around his heart. Tying him to the Boy, along with promise of his discs. Why protect himself when he could protect the kid.

He flinched when Tommy dropped down the latter. The boy monologued his actions when he walked outside. (Y/N) just stared at the door in pure confusion. He shrugged and continued to look out the window waiting for something to move. For someone to come out from hiding ready to fight. Tommy then climbs up the latter again.

"Lava bucket, lava bucket, lava bucket..." Tommy repeated while stalking up to the chests. (Y/N) quickly stood up and intercepted his approach. "I promise you there is none in there. Do not ruin what I have spent hours organizing. Please." The blonde boy shrugged and climbed down again. (Y/N) following him.

Tommy stood there for a second and giggled "Hey funny looking." He bumped Techno as he walked past him going through all the chests as the two men nodded at each other in acknowledgement. "Why do you need a lava bucket Tommy?" (Y/N) asked, his curiosity obvious as he walked forward and leaned over the boys shoulder.

Suspicion instantly hit Techno, "Yeah Tommy, why do you need a lava bucket. And does it have anything to do with the horrendous cobble stone pillar outside of my house." Techno stepped towards the door, pushing it open to look at the build. (Y/N) stepped close to him peaking his head out the door as he chuckled "Oh god." Tommy clicked his tongue in annoyance, "No no it does not," Tommy lifted himself out out of the last chest "Also its a tower you prick!"

Tommy ran towards the hole in the ground and climbed down the ladder (Y/N) on his tail once again with Techno sluggishly following the two. The blonde opened his chest which had an intense amount of iron in it, which he used to craft a bucket. "Where did you get all that iron?" The enderman asked leaning forward and inspecting it.

Tommy did a dramatic shrug while stared directly at Techno. "Your stealing my iron because your to lazy to go mine your own! You mad little thief!" Tommy laughed and yelled back "I am not a thief!" "Tommy the first time i saw you here you were going though my stuff!" Tommy laughed nervously while quickly running down the mines to find lava.

Techno opened his chest and saw how much of his stuff the boy had taken, "God he really just took everything." The man let out a airy laugh and turned to (Y/N) who was smiling at the blonde boys antics. "Why you looking at me, I ain't his mom." Techno dropped the lid of the chest which slammed shut as he stood up.

"From what Tommy said, you two only met the day before you got here. So why are you staying?" (Y/N) stood there for a second, forming the words in his head the best way he can and deciding what would be the appropriate one to say. "Oh yeah I just grew emotionally attached to this sixteen year old in within a week! Sorry." Probably wouldn't be the best response.

"I told Tommy I'd stay by his side while his wounds healed, I want to make sure he doesn't ruin my stitches." Techno nodded "Where did you stay before? You leaving anyone waiting?" I shook my head and sat on my bed waiting for the boy to come back. "A little bit of no where, yet everywhere. All at the same time. I've never stayed anywhere for longer than a week or two so I don't have a home for people to wait for me at."

"Why do you want me to go? I'll be fine if I need to go." Techno quickly cut me off. "No, no no no. If you leave Tommys being kicked out to. Your his leash half the time." I snickered as Tommy ran back up from the mine and yelled. "HEY TECHNOOOO, MY FRIENDDDD!"

Techno glared at the boy "What do you want." "You dick. I NEED SCAFFOLDING FOR A NEW ARTS AND CRAFTS PROJECT!"
He screamed while climbing up the latter, again. Techno and
(Y/N) locked eyes, shrugged, and followed him. "(Y/N), how do you make themmmm?" The man grabbed his communicator and checked. "You need string and bamboo." Techno look at the both of them.

"I know where some bamboo is."

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