Bee hive.

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Tommy grabbed (Y/N)'s communicator and shoved it into his bag while pulling him to the side. (Y/N) walked along with him, knowing the scrawny teen couldn't actually move him.

Tommy tried to hide himself and (Y/N) behind a wall. (Y/N) raised a brow in confusion but this went unseen by anyone due to the lovely potion.

As he was about to ask about their need to hide while invisible, Tommy aggressively shushed him and Techno over and over again.
"Your being louder then both of us Tommy."

"I said hush!" Techno seemed to not care about the boys words as he carefully looked around the wall, "Its Captain Puffy." The endermens tall set of armor quickly peeked around the wall immediately being pulled back by both Tommy and Techno.

"The hells wrong with you? Are you trying to die?!" Techno scolded (Y/N) like he was a kid while glaring past the wall. "Puffys a cute name... I wanted to see someone named Puffy."

Tommy laughed and Techno shook his head in disappointment.
"God your a funky man." The blond said while he pat (Y/N)s back. Techno looked around trying to figure out the best way to move past their white haired obstacle.

Tommy pointed towards the the bee hive, "Lets make a secret base." Techno looked at him like he had lost it once again shaking his head. "No, why would we need a base?" Tommy shrugged, "It would be cool?"

The piglin sighed and planned how to hide the tall enderman, loud teen, and himself. "I mean it would be better to leave them here instead of forcing a random dog to walk through all that terrain with a bunch of strangers."

"Plus if we come back and get caught we can leave needed materials in the base to save ourselves." (Y/N) finished his thought and shifted his weight against the wall, kicking at the dirt out of boredom.

"Were making a base."

Tommy tried to express how insulted he was but all that came out was stuttering. Techno watched as Puffy moved out of sight as he turned to the two, grabbed (Y/N)'s shoulder and pulled him with him.

He led him to the bee hive as Tommy quickly followed, "How come when he makes a suggestion its a good idea but when I do it, it's stupid?!"

"He explained why we should have one with valid reasons and not just," Techno glared at were the teenagers head should be "it would be cool."

Tommy mimicked Techno as the trio walked to the entrance or the bee hive. (Y/N) stopped glancing around and found his eyes locked on a tall building. More specifically the roof.

He waited for something.


Any movement, sound, face.

He felt eyes on him, anxiety filled his mind and adrenaline filled his veins. He wanted to run again.

He didn't want to stay here like a sitting duck for anyone who may be after him.

He hasn't been here that long, theres not much to lose so just run.

Just as that thought flew through his mind Techno grabbed his shoulder again, "Hey (Y/N), we've gotta go." He nudged his head to the entrance of the bee hive.

The enderman nodded and walked in ignoring Technos sigh and comment about how much he spaces out.

He looked around taking in the sight of bees, beehives, and a tree in the middle. His attention was eventually called to a flight of stairs by the sound of thumping under him.

He walked to it and slowly made his way down to see Tommy's armor slamming an axe into the wood to break a hole in wall.

"What are you doing?!"

"Idiot, I'm making a base?"

"Respect your elders you little shit." Tommy giggle while looking up at where (Y/N) face should be, "I should make you a shrine then, old man."

(Y/N) rolled his eyes, once again going unseen, as he walked up to the wall and taking Tommy's axe.
He was waiting for some kind of rebellion from the kid, but there was none.

He simply watched as (Y/N) took his swing to the wood, cutting the planks of wood making a hole for the trio to use. Or maybe he did rebel.

He probably stuck his tongue out.

Techno came down because of the racket and noticed the hole. "Nice." Tommy smirked "Yeah and it was my idea." while walking in to the dark cave the newly made hole led to.

Techno broke a small piece of wood from the broken wall, he slammed it into the dirt part of the floor. He tied the leash he held to the post. (I completely forgot about the dogs-)

"Okay, were just gonna leave the dogs to. Um. Do their thing." Tommy cackled while his enderman counterpart shifted uncomfortably, "Yeah, yup."

"God both of you are awkward!"

The dog rubbed against Technos leg, as he looked down at the dog his face slowly stared to become visible and the particles started popping up less and less.

His face held a soft smile as he looked at his canine companion, (Y/N) had noticed he only really gave this look to animals. Steve, Carl, his wolf, and the occasional crow.

The only other time he's smiled like that and it wasn't directed at an animal, it was at letters. Which is when he would also smile at the crows. Which would give him the letters.

(Y/N) took note to ask about that when he asks about L'manberg.

Techno quickly crafted two chests and placed them, "I have nothing to put in them now but we have to go so I'll just leave the chests here." (Y/N) nodded and softly pat the newly made chests, also noticing his hands visibility.

Right after a comfortable silence fell on the trio, the two older mens attention was on the blond boy, who was also becoming opaque. He was bent down to the dogs, giving a dramatic good bye and shoving his face in its fur.

Tommy walked out, "Welp, we must go home now. Good bye my loyal stead's." (Y/N) chuckled at his comment while Techno sighed in annoyance.

The pink haired man bent down and gently pet the dog, which they both obviously enjoy with the dogs back leg being kicked continuously and Technos smile.

"Good bye."

He followed after Tommy mumbling to (Y/N) to hurry.
(Y/N) bent down and scratched the dog, behind the ear and eventually petting under its chin.

"Bye puppy."

The enderman followed after the two, moving the planks of wood to cover the hole again. He walked up the stairs to see his two friends at each others throats.



God, this walk home was gonna be a long one.


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