Meet the Bastard.

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(2424 words, its a long one and im gonna fix any spelling errors later but its almost 1 in morning so here you go <3)

(Y/N) walked at the fastest pace he could as anxiety radiated off of his body. His hands shook as he let his mind wander to dark places at the thought of Dream getting there before him and Techno.

Techno awkwardly fidgeted with his communicator while following him, he just kept rereading the messages between him and Dream to avoid confrontation with (Y/N). He isn't good with comfort and he didn't know the man well enough to know the best way to try, but this tension was getting annoying.

Quiet static noises hummed out from the Endermans chest, this was the last straw for Techno as he jogged to reach the man and laid a hand on his shoulder again, pulling him to a stop.

"Hey... I know your freaked out but Dream said he wouldn't be here for about 10 more minutes and were almost there. We will be fine." (Y/N) nodded along while avoided eye contact, opting to stare at the trees behind Techno as he let the mans words ground him.

The enderman took a deep breath while saying "Ok, yea were fine. We will be fine.". Techno and him continued walking, being able to see the cabin in the distance.

"Yeahh and were good. And if anything goes wrong we just stick Tommy on him, the kid will go feral." (Y/N) immediately started laughing at the image of the shorter boy clinging to a full grown man.

"Oh god, that image is absolutely spectacular." Techno chuckled as he thought about it to. "I'm about to meet him and I know literally nothing about the man. Anything I should be warned about?" The pink haired man hummed as shuffled through his thoughts.

"He's a sly bastard, and he's good at combat. Not as good as me of course, but he's up there." Techno tried to make light of the situation, knowing that if (Y/N) thought Tommy was in any more trouble he would panic again.

Thats something that Techno noticed recently, the mans a lot more confident when around Tommy. He seems more likely to comment in a conversation if Tommys near, but he shuts off when the boy leaves.

The man clings to Tommy as much as he Tommy clings to him. Its sweet, the last time he saw Tommy like this with someone was at Pogtopia with Wilbur. We all saw how that ended so it was nice to see Tommys clinginess reciprocated in a healthier way. Plus the dude was tall, hes a little timid and can't make eye contact worth a shit but he could scare someone off, and would probably fight for Tommy if needed.

So there was a little comfort knowing (Y/N) was by Tommys side. Techno focused on walking up the stairs of his cabin and the other man was already walking inside, quick to check on the demon they room with. Tommy was pacing the room, grabbing as much stuff as he could hold from one chest and moving it to another.

The boys eyes lit up as he saw
(Y/N), looking up at him and grabbing his arm, "Come, I need your opinion on one of my hiding places!" Tommy dragged the man towards the ladder, while Techno abandoned his heavy boots at the door keeping his cape in favor of its warmth. "Wow he gets an excited greeting and I get ignored." Tommy rolled his eyes as he waited for the man to go down the ladder.

"Yeah, yeah, oh I'm so happy to see you mister blade." Tommy positioned himself above ladder and dropped down yelling "ByEe!"  Techno huffed out a laugh at the blonde and quickly got to finding invisibility potions. Said blond was quick to run next to the boats of zombies and hide behind them as best as he can. "Can you see me?" ... "Yes Tommy." Tommy shuffled farther back and crouched as low as he could.

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