Glow up.

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Tommy had woken up from his deep slumber, his tired eyes were accompanied with messy hair and an insatiable hunger for chaos.

As soon as his brain had woken up he had stumbled his way to and up the ladders reaching the living room. Techno and (Y/N) were sat in a somewhat awkward silence when he reached the room.

Tommy felt the tension as he walked closer, the two men both stared into space. Both of them wanting to break the silence but not knowing how to.

"I have arrived!" The blond boy yelled with grogginess evident in his voice.

His loud call cut through the air immediately catching both the male's attention. "Good morning blondie." The enderman said followed by Technos annoyed "Morning."

(Y/N) stood and walked towards the fire. He handed Tommy a mug filled with tea and a plate with eggs, bacon, and toast.

(Y/N) seemed to have some form of pep in his step, he was a little bouncier on his feet and more fluidity to his movements. The seventeen year olds brows furrowed as he inspected the taller man.

"Why are you in such a good mood?" The man in question shrugged while taking a quick glance at Techno, "Just happy."
The teen glared at him then the piglin, suspicion clouding his mind. "Fine then. Keep your secret ya prick."

The two older men in the room shook their heads at the over dramatic teenager.

"But when I figure it out," Tommy took a piece of bacon and ripped a piece off with his teeth. "Chu vill be shorry."

"Oh yeah shiver me timbers. Be careful before you choke and I have to save you." Techno huffed while hoisting himself up. "EXCUSE ME I WON'T NEED YOU TO SAVE ME, I AM A BIG MAN WHO DOESN'T NEED HELP!"

(Y/N) snorted at their bickering, earning a look from Techno, some what happy he wasn't as uncomfortable anymore. "If your done with your tantrum now, I need to go get some supplies for a friend."

"What friends?"

"Tommy thats rude."

"The fuck you mean thats rude I just wanna know what friend?!"

Techno and (Y/N) shared a cheeky smile while glaring at Tommy, "Yeah Tommy thats really not nice." The pink haired man mocked him.



Tommy was sat in front of the mirror, he played with his hair which was a lot longer than he would have normally liked.

(If you have long hair)

A part of him liked it, he liked the length and it reminded him of
(Y/N). But this cut didn't feel like it was made for him. It fits (Y/N) so well but Tommy was trying to be his own person right now.

To not let the people around him or the people from his past form the person he is now in any negative way.

(Short hair)

He has always had some trouble being his own person. The people around him would start to effect his attitude or decisions. These affects would range from his opinions and emotions to the clothes he would wear. 

And normally it was a bad thing because these people were Wilbur or Dream.

But now it was (Y/N).

Someone who's treated him with nothing but kindness and acceptance. So maybe letting
(Y/N) effect him a little wouldn't be the worst thing.


Tommy twirled around the scissors as he stared into the reflection of his hair. He had a towel laid under him and a change of clothes thrown on his bed for when he was done.

He grabbed a small hair tie that he stole from Techno and pulled all his hair on the top of his head into a ponytail.

He glared at the hair that had fallen out at the back, he had never really cut his own hair so he was just guessing on what to do.

He held the hair up and chopped off about half an inch.

He threw it only the towel and stared at the mirror planning his next move. This was cut off by
(Y/N)s feet slamming into the ground behind him.

"What are you doing kid?"

"Cutting my hair?" The enderman rolled his eyes and walked closer to Tommy. "Well yeah, but what exactly are you doing? A trim? A new style all together?"

The boy shrugged, "Just chopping until my glow up happens." (Y/N) chuckled at the teens comment. "Thats how you end up with a horrendous hair cut Blondie." He grabbed the scissors from the boys and inspected the recently cuts made.

"Are you doubting my abilities old man?"


"You rude bastard."

Tommy and (Y/N) laughed while the shorter of the two shoved the other. "Hey! Im just looking out for you kid!" The blonde boy stuck his tongue out at him while flipping him off.

"So can I help you?"

Tommy looked at (Y/N) in the mirror, he was looking back at him with a soft smile. Tommy wanted to say something fueled by his need for wrecking havoc that started earlier, but the smile the older man was giving him melted that need away.

The craving to just be in the same room as the (h/c) haired man was what drove him to accept his offer without hesitation.


The blond boy was stood with the brightest smile, admiring himself in the mirror while fluffing up his hair. The enderman was sweeping up all the stray hairs that found there way out of the balled up towel.

"BIG (Y/I) THIS IS SO COOL!" (Y/N) laid the broom against the wall, and walked up behind Tommy. He ruffled his hair, "Well I'm glad you like it."

Tommy gawked at the reflection, "Like? I fucking love it, thank you!" Tommy hugged (Y/N), pressed the side of his face into the taller mans chest.

(Y/N) stood still, slightly shocked, before patting the boys back.

"No problem kid, I'm just glad you're happy."


Here you go, sorry it took forever

But should i make Spotify playlist based on the characters and their relationships

Like one of Techno based on him and his eventually character growth
And one of Tommy and (Y/N)s changing relationship
And one of aunt savi?

Would any of y'all listen to that?

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