An old womens words.

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Tommy had already passed out, only thing heard in the pitch black room was his snores.

(Y/N) had his back leaned agains the yellow concrete walls, his breathing was shallow and his glare was sharp. His eyes were hyper fixated on the drawer that held his communicator.

He really didn't want to bother her but god did he suck at articulating the world around him sometimes. His nails dug into his palms as he bit at his bottom lip.

She had helped him enough, he left to be on his own to not smother her. He didn't want to run back to her with his tail between his legs.

He groaned while slamming open the drawer and grabbed the metal box, he stared at the pixelated contact name 'Auntie asshole <3' .

He tried not to smile at the small memory that clouded his mind.


"Oh my baby bird is leaving the nest!~"

"Savi, I'm a grown man." The taller man rolled his eyes while adjusting the huge backpack that laid on him. The shorted lady slapped his arm while smirking, "Oh you'll always be a baby to me." she smiled fondly at the man.

She had raised this kid.

She raised a kid.

It was so weird to her.

She never wanted to,

In fact thats why she left her own parents.

She hated the thought of having to marry a man, let alone someone she didn't know.

Then having kids with them.

She hated kids, they were snotty and sticky, they don't know how to express emotions so they just scream over everything.

And (Y/N) did that.

He was just as icky as she had imagined, but every time she tried to convince herself that she didn't want to keep him around, she remembered his little face.

So puffy and red with tears, boils forming on his plump little cheeks his leg mangled beyond repair with that man standing over him.

And that all she saw now, looking at him all grown up. A little kid she still needed to shield from the world. She wrapped her arms around (Y/N).

"I love you kid."

(Y/N) jumped slightly, he hesitated while hugging back, "I love you too Savanna," he pulled away and looked down at her. Savanna wasn't usually one for super sweet.

This sweet and soft stuff stopped once he healed most of the way. She didn't feel the need to baby him then.

Her eyes were glossy with small tears forming in the corners. "Whats wrong?" The enderman wiped the tears quickly wiping the burning liquid off his thumb.

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