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The endermans face held a scowl as he lazily dragged his feet, why was he stuck carrying all the bamboo? What happened to 'us carrying all the stuff.'

It wasn't that heavy, it was more the pettiness of it but they didn't need to know that. He was slouched forward with the bamboo tied up in the back pack that laid on his shoulders.

Tommy was walking around and pointing out places to tell (Y/N) the names of who owned/made it. (Y/N) didn't care much but was quick to act interested when Tommy turned to look for his approval, which seemed to happen more and more often.

(Y/N) found it sweet, he knew he did that alot when he was younger. Of course when he says younger he means when he was eight but still.

Although Savanna was alot less approving of everything.

She wanted (Y/N) to be proud of himself before he seeked it from her or others. God knows she needed that lesson when she was younger.


Savanna was stood talking to some random people, handing them potions, taking their gold. Trading and all that jazz. Right now she was conversing with a sweet older lady. She was about mid to late thirties.

Savanna at the time was twenty fuve. The older lady was sticking around the cart all day and starring at Savanna. It kinda freaked her out but she wasn't about to fight the lady so she ignored her until now.

The lady had walked up to her, "So, who's the lucky man?" The woman wiggled her eyebrows and leaned it. Savanna furrowed her brows as confusion was written on her face.

"Pardon?" Savanna said, her thick southern accent truly shining through. The lady gave a friendly smile and said,

"Well you and your little shadow look adorable together and I wanted to know who's the lucky man that gets to come home to you two." Savanna was even more confused until she looked back.

There was eight year old (Y/N), clinging to her leg while he tried to walk around on his new prosthetic. He was just waddling like a penguin.

The dots connected in her mind as she immediately looked up at the older lady and shook her head, "Oh no, no no no, you got me all wrong ma'am I found him. In a not so good condition and took him in."

"Oh, that must be hard dear, do you have any man to help you? Or a friend?" The ladys face changed to one of sympathy as she looked at the kid and women infront of her.

"No ma'am I don't but its not as bad as it seems he's a good kid and I've lived my life this long without any man to tell me what to do but I got a friend or two to help me out when they pass by." She said while Phil went through her mind, he helped alot more that she'd like to admit.

She remembered him lecturing her every time she cursed and telling her about stability, mental health, boundaries. Not leaving the stove on.

Savanna wasn't made to raise kids.

The lady chuckled while fiddling with her wedding ring, "I used to say that to until i met my husband and here I am happily married."

Savanna shifted uncomfortably, 'this lady won't shut up about men jesus christ' She cleared her throat and looked down while ruffling (Y/N) hair, "Actually, I'm more into women."

The women's face contorted into one of slight confusion, then disgust. "Okay, you may think that way now but you'll find a man one day and he will love you and your kid. God knows your kid need it if your think thats okay to say out loud..."

Savanna was about to slap the the condescending tone out of this women but she had the young enderman by her side so she stopped her hand, but she wasn't about to bite her tongue.

"Sorry my life style upsets you ma'am but last I checked its my life so would you be a dear and piss off?" The lady glared and gladly shoved past her, unintentionally knocking (Y/N) to the side as well.

Savanna was quick to put a hand out in front of him and behind, ready to catch him. But with a couple of circular motions with his arms he eventually caught his balance.

Which was an amazing feat for the fact that he can stand properly with the prosthetic.

His face lit up and he stared up at Savanna looking for validation. Savanna looked at him and smiled, "Are you proud you caught yourself?" (Y/N) nodded his head at the speed of light.

Serotonin radiated off of his sweet smile, Savanna forgot about the lady from before only focusing on the kid in front of her.

"Then I'm proud of you to sweet heart."


Aunt Savi passing through his mind he remembered he was mid conversation before he was interrupted.

He pulled out his communicator and read over their last messages, ignoring Tommy groans of annoyance at (Y/N) now obvious ignorance of him.

He erased his original text (which was just an insult to shoot back) and picked up where they left off.


His name was Dream.

Oh I know who your talking about
He came and asked for a couple potions then got nosy as hell

Nosy how?
Did he hurt you?

Nope, just kept asking questions like whos that in the picture? When did you meet them? Do they travel to? I just kicked him out eventually cause his mask was creeping me out.

Do you have any clue why he was asking?

No idea

Well I gotta go, The kid I'm with needs help
Bye Aunt Savi

Bye sweet hear <3
Sweet heart*


Author note


Love this lady more than life itself <3 happy pride month
Shout out to
The gays

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