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The enderman hybrid tensed up in fear of Tommy's sudden loud words. Standing up at his full seven feet.. slamming his head into the bar support of the roof for the pen.


(Y/N) sat on his knees in the snow, surrounded by the eggs he once held. Using his hands to cradle the top of his head as he spat about ever curse he could muster.

Tommy stood behind him cackling while trying to ask him if he was alright— very amused. Karl was panicking in his pen. Kicking his legs back against the wall and pacing around trying to get out.

"Oh my fucking— I'm sorry!" The teen spat out the best he could.

Techno froze. The moment his body tensed the voices got louder. His eyes quickly flashing between Karl, (Y/N), and Tommy as a small flash of panic struck. His hands tightly gripping the brush in hand and he stumbled for a second. Unlatching the gate, walking out quickly with Karl darting out behind him.

Techno immediately crotched down besides (Y/N) while the horse found himself out in the middle of the snow filled fenced in land.

The enderman hybrid massaged his fingers against the apex of his head, hoping to soothe the pain that lingered there. It didn't.

In his fit of pain he fell to his knees and curled into himself.

Techno reached out, carefully grabbed (Y/N)'s wrists. Holding the other mans hands close to his face to inspect. Making sure no blood was on his head or his hand.

(Y/N) finally looked up from his rambling of cussing to look at Techno. His ruby eyes were sharp. His bottom lip slightly jutting out from his tusks, and his brows knit together in focus.

His hold was warm and firm, but far from rough.
Once he cleared there was no blood he let go of (Y/N) had. Looking back at the enderman hybrids's eyes.

He flinched slightly. Irritation immediately flaring up in his eyes, quickly looking away.

Techno's callused hands immediately grabbing his chin and making him look in his eyes.

(Y/N) froze, ignoring the burning in his eyes as he looked in technos eyes. The voices in Techno's head the sang a song of chaos and violence quietly seemed to mute.

The two sat there for a long moment. (Y/N) frozen in shock of the eye contact and a fight of the pain it brought. Techno stuck in a moment of rare solace. Not one he expected to find the in tall mans eyes.. Staring.

After gathering his composure, Technos hand slowly moving away as he gave a grunt.

Quickly reaching back up to lay on his cheek as he gently and playfully shoved his face away.

"Ehh— He's fine."

Getting another cackle from the teen and a yelp of offense from the tallest of the three.

"What was with the gay shit!?" Tommy yelled while holding his stomach, his laughter mixing in with a coughing fit. The comment getting a side eye from the piglin, "Thought you were an ally, Tommy?"

"No— No I am I just— I mean.. You know I don't care!—" He quickly tried to clear his throat along with his good name.

Techno crossed his arms and shook his head. "Homophobia isn't a good luck on you Tommy.. or anyone for that matter."

"Shut up you pig! Literally! I'm not against the gays— I'm an ally!"
The teen stuck his tongue and flipped on the pink haired man.

"I was just fucking concussed and you two are talking about homophobia?!"

The two stood in silence as the enderman hybrid snapped at the two.. a small staticky grumble escaping from his chest.

"One could argue, it was an act of homophobia."



The older woman sat by the fire place, sipping a glass of iced tea. Choking on her own laughter as she smacked the ender hybrid's shoulder. "Poor baby! Can't catch a break with head injuries today, huh?"

Her southern tone mocking and playful. She had given up on cooking herself, as usual dumping the job onto her adopted nephew. Who had his bottom lip jutted out in an annoyed and petty snarl. "You and Blondie have it out for me."

"Why would be want you dead or injured, you feed us!" The blond in question spat in his defense. His arms crossed. (Y/N) being hurt was funny up until he was picking on Tommy about it. Then it was just cruel.. at least in the teenager's eyes.

"Oh is that all I am to you, a cow to milk when you get thirsty? Am I not—?" He continued on his annoyed yet joking rant. His voice had faded into the background though as the teenagers focus moved to the witch and the piglin.

Unbeknownst to the taller male.. there was tons of tension in the room. Behind his back Savanna was sending sharp glares a certain pink haired man. Who parked himself on one of the chests in the room, sat with his legs crossed while writing a list of things he needed in a journal.

Doing everything in his power to ignore the glare being brutally stabbed into him.

Tommy's eyes kept shifting from Savanna to Techno. He got a full view to the unsaid threats being thrown. Not having much context. But he felt like his talking earlier cause.. something. Maybe he shouldn't have said anything to Savanna.. maybe (Y/N) would be mad if he found out.

Maybe (Y/N) would get help now that Savanna knew about the panic attack.. he doesn't know. He just hopes he did the right thing.

He shuffled up from his spot in the bed of blankets Savanna had made on the floor. Taking one with him as he draped it over his shoulders. Parking himself next to (Y/N) as he worked on the eggs.

The teen slumped to the side. Resting all his body weight on the older man and his head on his shoulder. Pulling the (h/c) haired man out of his ramblings. His eyes wandered to the kid as he spoke softly. His words quite the contrast to his joking annoyance earlier.

"You alright?"

He received a small nod in response.

"You alright?"

Tommy mumbled. Barely about a whisper.

"I'm fine Tommy.. thank you for asking."

A small hum from the teen being heard as he whispered back.

"Thank you for caring."

Being rested against the Ender hybrid made the tension behind the blond easy to ignore.

He made his fear for his mistakes in the past and the consequences that have yet to come easy to ignore.

Ignorance is bliss.

This was his moment of solace.


Changed text sizes in the middle of writing this so idk what the paragraph sizes look like sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13 ⏰

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